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  2. San Francisco

San Francisco: The Latest Architecture and News

Linear House / Roberto Benito

Linear House / Roberto Benito - HousesLinear House / Roberto Benito - HousesLinear House / Roberto Benito - HousesLinear House / Roberto Benito - HousesLinear House / Roberto Benito - More Images+ 19

San Francisco, Argentina

Suburban Dwelling / Roberto Benito

Suburban Dwelling / Roberto Benito - HousesSuburban Dwelling / Roberto Benito - HousesSuburban Dwelling / Roberto Benito - HousesSuburban Dwelling / Roberto Benito - HousesSuburban Dwelling / Roberto Benito - More Images+ 19

San Francisco, Argentina

SteelHouse 1 and 2 / Zack | de Vito Architecture

SteelHouse 1 and 2 / Zack | de Vito Architecture - Houses, Facade, BalconySteelHouse 1 and 2 / Zack | de Vito Architecture - Houses, Stairs, Beam, Facade, HandrailSteelHouse 1 and 2 / Zack | de Vito Architecture - Houses, Bedroom, Door, Facade, Chair, ClosetSteelHouse 1 and 2 / Zack | de Vito Architecture - Houses, Garden, FacadeSteelHouse 1 and 2 / Zack | de Vito Architecture - More Images+ 18

San Francisco, United States

300 Ivy Street / David Baker Architects

300 Ivy Street  / David Baker Architects - Store300 Ivy Street  / David Baker Architects - Store300 Ivy Street  / David Baker Architects - Store300 Ivy Street  / David Baker Architects - Store300 Ivy Street  / David Baker Architects - More Images+ 21

The Nature Conservancy HQ / MKThink

The Nature Conservancy HQ / MKThink - Offices Interiors, Table, ChairThe Nature Conservancy HQ / MKThink - Offices Interiors, Facade, Table, ChairThe Nature Conservancy HQ / MKThink - Offices Interiors, Facade, Table, Lighting, ChairThe Nature Conservancy HQ / MKThink - Offices Interiors, Facade, Beam, Column, Arch, ChairThe Nature Conservancy HQ / MKThink - More Images+ 12

  • Architects: MKThink
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  16200 ft²
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2014

North Beach Branch Library / LMS Architects

North Beach Branch Library / LMS Architects - Library, FacadeNorth Beach Branch Library / LMS Architects - Library, Facade, Door, Chair, TableNorth Beach Branch Library / LMS Architects - Library, Handrail, FacadeNorth Beach Branch Library / LMS Architects - Library, Stairs, Handrail, Facade, FenceNorth Beach Branch Library / LMS Architects - More Images+ 20

San Francisco, United States

Laguna Street Residence / Michael Hennessey Architecture

Laguna Street Residence / Michael Hennessey Architecture - Apartments, Stairs, Facade, HandrailLaguna Street Residence / Michael Hennessey Architecture - Apartments, Bedroom, Facade, BedLaguna Street Residence / Michael Hennessey Architecture - Apartments, Facade, Beam, LightingLaguna Street Residence / Michael Hennessey Architecture - Apartments, Kitchen, Facade, Beam, Countertop, Sink, TableLaguna Street Residence / Michael Hennessey Architecture - More Images+ 15

San Francisco, United States

Square Headquarters / Bohlin Cywinski Jackson

Square Headquarters / Bohlin Cywinski Jackson - Offices Interiors, Beam, Facade, Table, BenchSquare Headquarters / Bohlin Cywinski Jackson - Offices Interiors, Chair, BenchSquare Headquarters / Bohlin Cywinski Jackson - Offices Interiors, Beam, Table, Lighting, Chair, BenchSquare Headquarters / Bohlin Cywinski Jackson - Offices Interiors, TableSquare Headquarters / Bohlin Cywinski Jackson - More Images+ 14

VARA / Studio O+A

VARA / Studio O+A - Housing, Facade, ChairVARA / Studio O+A - HousingVARA / Studio O+A - Housing, Chair, TableVARA / Studio O+A - Housing, FacadeVARA / Studio O+A - More Images+ 11

San Francisco, United States

Capital One Lab / Studio O+A

Capital One Lab / Studio O+A - Interior Photography, Offices Interiors, Stairs, Beam, Facade, Handrail, Table
© Jasper Sanidad

Capital One Lab / Studio O+A - Offices InteriorsCapital One Lab / Studio O+A - Interior Photography, Offices Interiors, DoorCapital One Lab / Studio O+A - Interior Photography, Offices Interiors, Lighting, TableCapital One Lab / Studio O+A - Interior Photography, Offices Interiors, FacadeCapital One Lab / Studio O+A - More Images+ 7

Folsom Tower / Studio Gang

Last night Studio Gang Architects unveiled designs of their first ever building in San Francisco, a 400 foot tall residential tower with an undulating, twisting facade. Inspired by the bay windows of older local buildings such as 450 Sutter Street, Studio Gang have added a twist (literally) to the typology with incremental rotations of the 90-degree bays running vertically up the facade.

Read on for more details of the design

Yelp Headquarters / Studio O+A

Yelp Headquarters / Studio O+A - Interior Photography, Offices Interiors, FacadeYelp Headquarters / Studio O+A - Interior Photography, Offices Interiors, Kitchen, Facade, LightingYelp Headquarters / Studio O+A - Interior Photography, Offices Interiors, Beam, Lighting, Chair, TableYelp Headquarters / Studio O+A - Interior Photography, Offices Interiors, Door, Facade, ChairYelp Headquarters / Studio O+A - More Images+ 18

Adobe 410 Townsend / Valerio Dewalt Train Associates

Adobe 410 Townsend / Valerio Dewalt Train Associates - Offices Interiors, Facade
© David Wakely

Adobe 410 Townsend / Valerio Dewalt Train Associates - Offices Interiors, Facade, ColumnAdobe 410 Townsend / Valerio Dewalt Train Associates - Offices Interiors, Table, Lighting, ChairAdobe 410 Townsend / Valerio Dewalt Train Associates - Offices Interiors, Facade, TableAdobe 410 Townsend / Valerio Dewalt Train Associates - Offices Interiors, BedroomAdobe 410 Townsend / Valerio Dewalt Train Associates - More Images+ 13

Peter’s House / Craig Steely Architecture

Peter’s House  / Craig Steely Architecture - Houses, Garden, Door, Facade, ChairPeter’s House  / Craig Steely Architecture - Houses, Deck, FacadePeter’s House  / Craig Steely Architecture - Houses, Facade, Handrail, TablePeter’s House  / Craig Steely Architecture - Houses, Kitchen, Facade, Door, Beam, Table, Lighting, Chair, CountertopPeter’s House  / Craig Steely Architecture - More Images+ 21

San Francisco, United States

Snøhetta Unveils Version 3.0 of San Francisco's Golden State Warriors’ Stadium

Snøhetta has released an updated, more "slimmed-down" version of the Golden State Warriors’ Stadium, which is scheduled to debut on a preeminent San Francisco waterfront site for the 2017-18 NBA basketball season. Located on Piers 30-32, just walking distance from the downtown Financial District and easily accessed by a variety of public transportation, the revised design has shaved off over 30,000 square feet of the venue's total square footage and increased public open space to nearly 8 acres, 60 percent of the 13 acre site.

Cisco Offices / Studio O+A

Cisco Offices / Studio O+A - Offices Interiors, Lighting, TableCisco Offices / Studio O+A - Offices InteriorsCisco Offices / Studio O+A - Offices Interiors, Facade, Chair, BenchCisco Offices / Studio O+A - Offices InteriorsCisco Offices / Studio O+A - More Images+ 29

355 11th Street / Aidlin Darling Design

355 11th Street / Aidlin Darling Design - Adaptive Reuse, Bedroom, Facade, Door, Chair, Bench355 11th Street / Aidlin Darling Design - Adaptive Reuse, Table355 11th Street / Aidlin Darling Design - Adaptive Reuse, Beam, Facade, Handrail355 11th Street / Aidlin Darling Design - Adaptive Reuse, Facade355 11th Street / Aidlin Darling Design - More Images+ 5

Expedia Office / Rapt Studio

Expedia Office / Rapt Studio - Offices Interiors, Table, Chair, BenchExpedia Office / Rapt Studio - Offices Interiors, Table, ChairExpedia Office / Rapt Studio - Offices Interiors, Table, ChairExpedia Office / Rapt Studio - Offices Interiors, Door, Facade, Beam, Table, Lighting, Chair, BenchExpedia Office / Rapt Studio - More Images+ 4

  • Architects: Rapt Studio
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  10000
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2013