Patio Palafito Hotel / Eugenio Ortúzar + Tania Gebauer
Bela Muxía Hostel Extension / CREUSeCARRASCO
Old Mill Hotel Belgrade / Graft Architects
Planning Korea Designs Resort Hotel for PyeongChang 2018 Winte...
Quai Ouest - Riverbanks Of The Meurthe / Anne Démians
Luo Fu Shan Shui Museum / ADARC Associates
Urban Villa London / Grzywinski+Pons
B"O Hotel / Muro Rojo Arquitectura
Hotel Privo / DE3 Group
Go.mir Guest House / Moon Hoon
Andaz Hotel / Zürcher Arquitectos
Sala Ayutthaya / Onion
Vilnius SPA - Anykščiai / SP Architektu Grupe
Residential Wood Building in Selvino / Camillo Botticini
Terrazze / AE5 partners
Explora Hotel in Patagonia / Germán del Sol + José Cruz
Junky Hotel Amsterdam / Atelier Kempe Thill
Illkirch-Graffenstaden City Hall / Atelier Filippini
Koyasan Guest House / Alphaville Architects
Red Dot Hotel / Steven Wu+Wang Pe-Jen
Cardedeu Chapel / EMC Arquitectura
PURO Hotel / ASW Architekci Ankiersztajn Stankiewicz Wroński
Ozadi Hotel / Pedro Campos Costa