Sawn and Planned Wood | Stora Enso
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Sawn and Planned Wood | Stora Enso

  • Use

    Interior, exterior, joinery, cladding, decking, general construction, flooring, landscaping, structural performance, joinery,
  • Applications

    Residential, commercial, educational, office, infrastructure, mixed-use, renovations, retrofits
  • Characteristics

    Rough-sawn wood shortens construction time, earthquake resistant, reusable, fast installation, space optimization, low carbon
  • Format

    Planks in standard and custom dimensions

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More about this product

Stora Enso offers an extensive range of high-quality rough-sawn, structural, and planed timber. Their portfolio includes a large variety of dimensions and lengths and can be cut and planed to exact requirements.

Stora Enso's sawmills use modern technology to select the best raw material for each end and use, reducing handling costs and waste. Their processes are designed for different customer needs and are continuously improving.

Sawn wood for joinery

Classic Sawn Wood by Stora Enso serves industrial integrators, merchants, and DIY retailers, as well as wholesalers and trading houses. They supply a wide range of sawn and planed wood to choose from rough, strength-graded, or planed sawn goods.

The uses for Classic Sawn Wood include:

  • General construction (new built and renovation)
  • Joinery
  • Frame and truss
  • Floorings
  • Garden products
  • Cladding and decking
  • Furniture
  • Packaging

Stora Enso uses only the best redwood and whitewood that grow slowly in demanding conditions across Central and Northern Europe.

Key benefits of sawn wood

  • Highly accurate size tolerances, flexible sizes and lengths
  • Superior form, stability and surfacing
  • Consistent and uniform quality
  • High environmental standards
  • Latest technology and high-quality raw material

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