Public Furnishings | Tactile Materials
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Public Furnishings | Tactile Materials

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Tactile Materials is an international company dedicated to the supply and production of customized metal cladding for architectural endeavors. The materials, finishes, and technologies developed by Tactile Materials are available for innovative projects in public design.

A key component of place-making is the presence of inviting and durable public furnishings. Tactile draws from the other products and technologies of the company to offer public furnishings with innovative materials.

Material Applications

As a company with a vast portfolio of inventive materials that cross the full spectrum of unique elements for public furnishing applications, Tactile's team of designers and researchers draw from a broad spectrum of materials to give architects and brand clients distinctive aesthetic and high-durability options that will differentiate their public furnishings.

Concept Design

By engaging the company early on in the design process of a project, Tactile is enabled to establish a dialog with the client, on how the public furnishings can complement other important design elements. Tactile's team is well-versed in facilitating public furnishing design charrettes with design architects, brand clients, engineers, and construction teams.

3D Modeling

The company utilizes a range of specialized software to capture public furnishing structures and parametric and curvilinear surfaces. In addition to utilizing static 3D imagery, Tactile can animate complex elements to determine the theoretical movement of the public furnishings during a variety of loads including self-weight deflections, live loads, and environmental loads.

Photo-realistic Modeling

Tactile's drafting teams create 3D models during the concept and/or public furnishing charrettes to assist stakeholders in understanding the spatial, massing, and materiality of public furnishing elements. Beyond the illustrative benefits, the larger overall public furnishing renderings can support regulatory approvals, material selections, and budget decisions. Photo realistic rendering for reimagined projects is offered before and after imagery with a myriad of options.

Fabrication and Assembly

Once submittal drawings have been approved, Tactile's seasoned team of production management implements the production methods to ensure that the design intent is carried throughout the production and assembly process. The façade elements are factory-finished and assembled to the greatest extent possible to minimize field fit and finish. The company's stringent quality control standards ensure that the retail façade comes together within tolerances to meet or exceed the branding expectations.

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