Interior and exterior cladding -
Walls, floors, furniture, countertops, sinks, shower trays -
Non-porous, antibacterial protection, resistant to acid, stains and scratches
9 General Catalogs
9 General Catalogs
Silestone surface Le Chic Collection from Cosentino is a carbon-neutral ultracompact surface made from a mixture of raw materials used to make glass and state-of-the-art porcelain. Silestone surfaces are crafted using Particle Sintering Technology. This process involves an accelerated version of the metamorphic changes natural stone undergoes when exposed to pressure and high temperatures for millennia. The new formulation incorporates a minimum of 20% recycled materials and is produced using HybriQ+ Technology.
Le Chic from Cosentino is a collection with six versatile interior and exterior surface products. Inspired by the intricate patterns, veins, and hues found in natural stones, this series shares a common theme: the incorporation of subtle tones and flickering lights of metallic colors. Ranging from silver to copper hues, the collection has an air of luxury and sophistication. These surfaces make a bold statement, fusing classic aesthetics with elegance in any project.
Le Chic Collection Patterns
Victorian Silver | Versailles Ivory |
Romantic Ash | Parisien Bleu |
Electric Pearl | Bohemian Flame |