Museum installations -
Cultural, display cases, book display, historical preservation -
Invisible hinges, airtight storage, humidity control, internal lighting system
2 Product Files
2 Product Files
The WING display case is a museum-grade lectern case designed by Norman Foster in partnership with Goppion. Goppion has continuously collaborated with Foster + Partners to create unique projects for museums combining architecture, design, and technology.
Combining Goppion's experience and technological knowledge in display cases with the desired design and aesthetic from Norman Foster has produced a new line of horizontal display cases specifically designed for display books, documents, prints, photographs, slides, and archival materials.
Lectern cases can be used singly, arranged in rows, set against a wall, or placed in freestanding positions. The interior of the display case can be customized to ensure optimal conservation and ideal viewing conditions for the objects displayed.
Case Design
The WING desk case is designed similarly to a lectern to arrange slim objects.
Goppion uses ecologically-correct methods and makes efforts to use sustainable materials as well as research new materials and manufacturing processes with low environmental impacts. Goppion designs cases to last over time to reduce the need for replacement and recycling of industrial products.