Wall covering, wallpaper -
Residential, commercial, hospitality -
Variety of patterns, customisable, different support types
1 Product File
1 Product File
Tecnografica's wallpaper offers a high-quality solution for wall coverings and murals. Vista Duomo is part of the Duomo di Milano Collection exhibiting historical architecture. Each graphic is completely customizable, following the specific characteristics of the project.
Duomo di Milano Collection
In collaboration with the Veneranda Fabbrica of the Duomo of Milan, the historical institution in charge of the preservation and enhancement of the Duomo Cathedral, Tecnografica has created a wallpaper collection that honors one of the most appreciated architectural buildings in the world.
The Duomo di Milano Collection has collected history that spans over six centuries including priceless documents and works. Tecnografica was allowed to explore this collection and select some of the most beautiful and interesting graphic elements. The collection ranges from ancient architectural projects of the spires to the bright colors of the frescoes, studies of floor decorations, and old photographs of flying buttresses.
Wallpaper Finishes
Tecnografica offers different finishes to print wallpapers on: