Outdoor and indoor flooring -
Residential, commercial, hospitality, corporate, retail -
Impact-resistant, scratch-resistant, stain-resistant, resistant to sudden changes in temperature, heat-resistant, frost-resistant, easy-to-maintain, easy-to-clean, durable, versatile, glazed -
ISO 22196:2011 standard R>2
Bioklinker® technology from Gres Aragón is specially designed to prevent the growth of bacteria, fungi, and yeasts, resulting in an effective product highly resistant to stains and odors. Silver is the main component used in the antibacterial technology, which is a wide-ranging antimicrobial agent making it highly effective against a wide variety of opportunistic and pathogenic microorganisms such as E-Coli, Legionella, Salmonella, etc. This offers an antibacterial product that protects the user from vulnerability to reactions caused by contamination of microorganisms and can be used in many applications.
The treatment is applied to the ceramic tiles before firing, and the characteristics and tone of the material remain unaltered, offering functional benefits while maintaining the aesthetic. The tiles with the treatment do not need to be exposed to ultraviolet rays in order to be effective. This means the tiles can be used both indoors and outdoors in all lighting settings. When the tiles are installed in exterior applications, their anti-fungal properties prevent the appearance of algae (moss, lichen, and fungus).
The following collections from Gres Aragón make use of the antibacterial treatment
Materia | Urban | Selene |
Ordesa | Ocean | Nador |
Marble | Rodeno | Petra |
Capri | Aciker Plus | Pool Tiles |
Features and Benefits
- Reduces bacteria on the tile surface by 99%
- The antibacterial treatment has a permanent effect
- Non-toxic, doesn't contain Ti02
- Effective both indoors and outdoors
Performance and Certification
By the ISO 22196:2011 standard, the range of porcelain tiles has an R>2 anti-bacterial efficacy, equivalent to a 99% reduction in bacteria. *Important: For the floor tiles’ anti-pathogenic properties to remain unaltered, the grouting material that is used must also have the same anti-pathogenic properties.
The anti-bacterial tile series guarantee hygiene in both private settings (homes) and public ones (industrial premises, kitchens, restaurants, poolsides, changing rooms, hospitals, health centers, schools, physiotherapy centers, centers for senior citizens, and façades).