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Smart Insulation | Holcim
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Smart Insulation | Holcim

  • Use

    Construction materials
  • Applications

    Roofs, walls, floors, block-filling
  • Characteristics

    Easy to use, mold-resistant, long lifespan
  • Certification

    A1 according to EU standards

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More about this product

Holcim is a manufacturer of innovative and sustainable building solutions operating in markets around the globe. Its goals are to decarbonize buildings, address climate change, drive a circular economy, and improve living standards for everyone. As part of its building envelope portfolio, Holcim develops state-of-the-art insulation solutions that guarantee performance and efficiency for buildings. Its innovative solutions suit all types of building projects, from new builds to renovations.


  • Sustainability
    Up to 80% of current buildings and infrastructure are expected to still be in use by 2050. With this in mind, Holcim insulation products play an increasing role in the repair, renovation, and green retrofitting of spaces. Holcim’s advanced insulation solutions help make buildings more sustainable in use
  • Energy-efficiency
    Choosing advanced insulation technologies will enhance the efficiency of the entire building envelope, limit the environmental footprint and reduce heating and cooling costs. Holcim offers insulation for greater comfort, energy savings, and air quality


Airium from Holcim is a fully recyclable mineral foam for insulation. This insulating system increases a building’s energy efficiency and can even be applied in green retrofitting applications to expand a building’s lifespan. Airium is mineral-based, thus, it is a fully recyclable foam that does not release any volatile organic compounds, enhancing indoor air quality.

Applied as a semi-liquid foam, Airium can reach any shape or corner where it hardens to create a long-lasting, fire-resistant insulating solution that is also unfavorable to insects and rodents and has a low CO2 footprint. Airium is made of a cement-based slurry, aqueous foam, and enclosed and distributed air bubbles. It can be used in different climatic conditions.

Airium Properties

Properties SI Units (EU) USCS Units (US)
Fire protection class A1 (incombustible) Incombustible
Thermal conductivity 35 to 60 mW/K.m 2.5 to 4 R-value/inch
R-value examples 3 to 4 (15cm) m2.K/W 10 to 16 (4 inches) 14 to 24 (6 inches)
Density 40 to 200kg/m3 3 to 13lb/ft3
Compressive strength 20 to 500 kPa 3 to 73 psi
Sound absorption (20cm width) 0.6 0.6
Water absorption (EN 1609) 4kg/m2 0.8lb/ft2
Vapor diffusion resistance 7 18 perm.inch
Shrinkage 0.4% m/m 0.4% m/m
Insect/mildew resistance Yes Yes

PRB Products

PRB Group, France’s largest independent manufacturer of specialty building solutions, is part of Holcim's insulation portfolio, offering coatings, insulation, adhesives, and flooring systems.

PRB Insulations

EPS Insulation
  • Popular insulation materials
  • Very low thermal conductivity
  • Thickness from 20 to 300 mm
  • Available in smooth or dovetail grooved surface
  • Grey EPS panels have thermal performances that are 20 % higher
Rockwool Insulation
  • Fire resistance quality
  • Breathability
  • Thickness from 20 to 240 mm
Wood Fibre Insulation
  • Ecological high environmental quality insulation
  • Water vapor regulation capacity
  • Good thermal inertia

SES Foam

SES Foam, the largest independent spray foam insulation company in the US, completes Holcim’s insulation portfolio. SES Spray Foam Insulations push the envelope of performance, providing high yields and high R-values while passing the Appendix X Fire test uncoated.

Specifying SucraSeal®, EasySeal®, or Nexseal® from SES Foam in a project can reduce the tonnage of the HVAC System, as well as the time needed to insulate a project, saving valuable construction time and unnecessary costs before the project begins.

SES Foam Products

  • UL P522 Approved: Allows Wet Sprinkler Systems in Attics vs Dry Systems
  • UL L521 Approved: Eliminates Sprinkler System in Combustible Spaces
  • ICC ES AC377 Appendix X: Appendix X Approved with an intumescent coating
  • Qualifies For LEED Points: CA Dept of Health Approved:
  • Ultra Low VOC emitting
  • UL Certified: UL Designs for rated walls, floors, and ceilings, including
  • UL 305 and UL P522 which eliminate the need for dry sprinkler systems
  • NFPA 285 Approved: For use in exterior walls of non-combustible construction
  • EnergyStar Approved Qualifies For LEED Points
  • CA Dept of Health Approved: Ultra Low VOC emitting
  • UL Certified: UL Designs for hourly rates walls, including U305 and more
  • Passes AC377 Appendix X: Never requires ignition barrier
  • NFPA 285 Approved: For use in exterior walls of non-combustible construction
  • ABAA Certified Qualifies For LEED Points
  • FL Building Code Approved: Increases Racking Strength
  • CA Dept of Health Approved: Ultra Low VOC emitting

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