Materials and Finishes for Handles | FSB Franz Schneider Brakel
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Materials and Finishes for Handles | FSB Franz Schneider Brakel

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  • Use

    Door and window hardware
  • Applications

    Residential, corporate
  • Characteristics

    Durable, high-quality, aluminium, stainless steel, bronze, optional collar stains and coatings

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More about this product

FSB's materials and finishes consist of a metal base made from aluminum, stainless steel, or bronze that offers resilient and durable hardware. FSB exclusively work with high-quality, long-lasting, proven materials with finishes that either retain their natural appeal or are finished in one of the color stains and coatings, ensured to last and not fade or peel away. The patented machining and refining processes merge chemical, mechanical, and manual operations to create a unique functional and aesthetic effect of the product.

FSB finishes and materials - metal base with optional stain and coating
FSB finishes and materials - metal base with optional stain and coating
FSB finishes and materials - metal base with optional stain and coating
FSB finishes and materials - metal base with optional stain and coating
FSB finishes and materials - metal base with optional stain and coating
FSB finishes and materials - metal base with optional stain and coating

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