Street Furniture in Fabriano Public Space | mmcité
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Street Furniture in Fabriano Public Space | mmcité

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  • Use

    Street furniture
  • Applications

    Exterior, public space
  • Characteristics

    Contemporary design, customizable bench configurations
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The small, Italian town of Fabriano lies in the region of The Marche, not far from the port of Ancona, and since 2013 it has proudly held the title of UNESCO Creative City. The town’s progressive traditions are continued by the current mayor, Gabriele Santarelli, who was not afraid of introducing mmcité's benches in public spaces, enlivening its streets and courtyards. Here are some examples in which mmcité's benches overlap its contemporary design with the traditional medieval architecture of the village.

Piazza del Comune, Piazza Padella: Woody

This wide-open square with its fountain is a traditional meeting place for Fabriano inhabitants during major events. An uncommon arrangement of Woody benches has become a ribbon extending right across the square. For Fabriano, mmcité chose the model with USB charging and the functional addition of durable all-steel tables.


Piazza 26 Settembre: eBlocq

The contemporary annex at the Palazzo Anagrafe del Comune has been fitted with eBlocq benches. They are ideal for anyone who drops in by e-bike. Six lockable boxes are built into the bench.

Giardini del Poio: Rivage

The famous Giardini del Poio form an oasis of green privilege in the heart of the town. They were made accessible for the first time and opened to the public recently. At the reopening, Fabriano Mayor Gabriele Santarelli commented: “I think this is a space which deserves to be alive all the time, not just on special occasions.” An interesting and practical addition to the Rivage benches is its durable, all-steel table for placing drinks, laptops, and books, ideal for the Poio gardens.


Loggiato San Francesco: Stack

The elegant tunnel archway, originally built to join San Francesco Church with the Piazza del Comune, comprises 19 arches framing a captivating view of the triangular piazza. Its Renaissance architecture is perfectly outlined by chair and table sets from the Stack collection. mmcité went for a combination of wooden slats and a dark brown galvanized steel structure.


Pinacoteca Molajoli: Manta

The history of the Molajoli art gallery dates back to 1862, and its robust walls contain important records of the work of Fabriano artists from the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. An ideal spot to reflect on a town so rich in history and art can be found in the inner courtyard, where a number of multifunctional Manta benches are found.

The contrast in styles encourages attention, while still fostering a calm atmosphere for people to stop and relax.


mmcité’s Furniture Featured

Park Bench - Woody
Park Bench with Storage - eBlocq
Outdoor Lounger - Rivage
Outdoor Sofa - Stack
Outdoor Seating - Manta

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