Floor and wall ceramic surfaces -
Residential, hospitality -
Variety of finishes, customizable, antibacterial, high performing
9 Product Files
5 General Catalogs
9 Product Files
5 General Catalogs
Porcelain floor and wall ceramic surfaces from Fiandre allow designers to easily create their desired aesthetic with color, shape, and texture. Fiandre ceramic surfaces can be customized using advanced production techniques including through-body veining or polishing to the desired surface finish. The surfaces are high-performing with antibacterial properties and other benefits yet still have the natural appeal of porcelain.
Stone Effect
The stone effect pairs the material qualities of porcelain tiling with the natural quarried stone finish. Fiandre offers a variety of ranges with the stone effect:
Pietra Di Basalto - with ACTIVE SURFACES® | Aion Maximum | Fjord |
Megalith Maximum | Quietstones Maximum | Neo Genesis |
Solida |
ACTIVE SURFACES® offers a high-performing, ISO-certified ceramic material with photocatalytic properties and other benefits: