Exterior sun shading -
Residential, hospital, office, hospitality, education -
Retained outside views, functional facade design accent, fast installation with clip system, curved and corner solutions available
A lot of natural daylight is a prerequisite for a healthy indoor climate for your living space. But uncontrolled and excessive sunlight can severely disrupt the experience of comfort. RENSON external sun protection allows you to control the incidence of the sun and prevents the sun from reaching the glass.
Sunclips is a horizontal structural sun protection that offers the ideal solution for managing the heat build-up from solar radiation, without obstructing the clear view, especially above windows and glass doors in south-facing façades. During the summer, when the sun is high, they offer the ideal protection against overheating. During the winter, when the sun is low, they allow the heat into the building. In addition, this structural sun protection is very maintenance-friendly.