Audiovisual equipment -
Residential, commercial, corporate, educational, cultural, industrial -
Projection screens and Audiovisual lifts, range of control options, variety of screens
5 Product Files
5 Product Files
Draper projection solutions include a number of different projection screens for a range of uses and lifts that make installation easy and attractive even under challenging conditions
Projection Screens
Other ceiling-recessed screens are also available. Visit Draper for details.
Audiovisual (AV) Lifts
Lifting solutions mount and hide projectors, cameras, projection screens, flat panels, and other audiovisual equipment. Audiovisual lifts provide a solution for any installation challenge, from limited space, high and angled ceilings to large projectors and obstructions, and Draper's designers engineer innovative solutions to lift, move, or hide any audiovisual equipment. Control options range from simple wall switches and remote controls to interface with third-party control systems.