Glass decoration, solar heat reduction, light control, shading -
Facades, curtain walls, wall covers, glass partitions, shower doors, windows, doors, furniture, balustrades, balconies, canopies, roofs, ceilings, art and signage, stained glass, kitchen splashbacks, lighting -
High performance, long-lasting durability, high resolution digital print (no screens), highly-customizable through digital design, resistant to scratching, acid, UV light and weather, heavy metal-free inks (no Lead or Cadmium), compliant with industry standards -
Single panels, laminated glass, insulated units, curved glass, jumbo glass -
Printable glass size: Minimum: 12” x 12” (30.48 cm x 30.48 cm) | Maximum: 118” x 314” (300 cm x 800 cm) | Printable glass thickness: Minimum: 3/16” (4.76 mm) | Maximum: 3/4” (19mm)
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