Interior and exterior, wall and floor coverings -
Facades, pools, hotels, supermarkets, retail, shops, infrastructure, spa landscapes, underground railway stations and many more. -
A conclusive color concept with subtly co-ordinated color ranges; Silky-matt surfaces; slim joints; Hytect surface which decomposes pollutants (Hydrophilic Tile); various slip-resistant categories; 'Made in Germany' -
UNICOLOR color system: Ten ranges of colors form a color circle comprising 50 co-ordinated shades. Six color spheres illustrate various color nuances and areas of application. -
ChromaPlural offers both decimal and octametric sizes in various dimensions. The range includes mosaics in 1 x 1 cm format, slim 6.2 cm ribbons of various lengths and extends as far as large formats of 50 x 100 cm. Special formats to customer requirements possible.
7 Product Files
1 General Catalog