Museum installations -
Cultural -
Preventive conservation approach: airtightness, climate control, anti-seismic devices
2 Product Files
2 Product Files
Goppion provides all the services around display cases and museum installations from design to development and building. Working closely with exhibit designers and curators, Goppion develops individual solutions using a collaborative approach.
Goppion has developed knowledge of conservation over decades of collaboration with research institutions. When approaching new projects, the company nevertheless will devote time to understanding the specifics of each project's requirements. Understanding possible issues and threats before they arise -preventive conservation- is the key to protecting something.
Important considerations include airtightness, climate control, the possibility of off-gassing, and of tremors and vibrations.
Airtightness is integral to creating a stable micro-environment, with ideal air quality, humidity and temperature. The air exchange between the interior and exterior of a display case must be kept to an absolute minimum; Goppion has developed various systems, techniques and components to help achieve this.
Climate Control
Fluctuating humidity and temperature can be highly damaging; anything from high/low levels to sudden change can cause significant damage. Goppion weighs up possible climate influences from both inside and outside the case before designing a system to cope with the situation. After this, Goppion will measure and test the variables, multiple times to eliminate all risks.
Anti-Seismic Devices
Whether or not earthquakes and tremors are a concern, anti-seismic devices have a role to play in display case design. Museum visitors or passing traffic could both affect object stability. Goppion employs a variety of structural techniques and installed devices to protect from shock, focusing on three different levels of absorption: