Goppion designs, develops and builds display cases and museum installations. The company works with curators and exhibit designers to develop solutions to individual projects with a collaborative approach.
U-Class custom-made display cases have high-performance airtight aluminum micro-profiles to protect the edges of the glass panes.
- Uv1
Medium-sized and large display cases with metal profiles in the corners, doors rotating on a vertical axis, glass top or metal light attic and high airtightness. - Uv2
Medium-sized and large glass-topped display cases, with fully-synchronized and bottom-rolling pull & tilt slide opening system, medium airtightness. - Uv3
Medium-sized and large display cases, fully-synchronized, top-hung, pull & tilt slide opening system, metal hood, high airtightness. - Uh1
Medium-sized and large display cases, door rotating on a horizontal axis (tilting), high airtightness.
Goppion uses ecologically-correct methods and makes efforts to use sustainable materials as well as research new materials and manufacturing processes with low environmental impacts. Goppion designs cases to last over time to reduce the need for replacement and recycling of industrial products.
Request the new Catalogue here.