Interior, cloud panel -
Commercial, educational, industrial, corporate, cultural -
Acoustical absorption, various designs, sizes and wood types -
Maximum 60″ x 120″
1 Product File
1 Product File
ASI Architectural offers Cloud Ceiling Panels, flat, convex and concave cloud panels, designed for projects requiring design versatility with the option of sound absorption.
The cloud panels are easy to install and may be used individually or linked together with mending plates in various sizes and shapes to form larger clouds. Mounted on 1″ steel tube frames, clouds can be perforated or not, and be backed with an acoustical backer.
The cloud panels are easy to install, and may be used individually or linked together (with mending plates) in various sizes and shapes to form larger clouds. Mounted on 1″ steel tube frames, clouds can be perforated or not, and be backed with an acoustical backer.
1. Cloud Concave
2. Cloud Convex
3. Cloud Flat