After a successful first cycle of activities in the initial year, Future Architecture Platform launches a new call for ideas for all who wish to participate in the Future Architecture program cycle throughout Europe in 2017. The platform invites emerging creatives to apply with the ideas, visions and projects they consider important for the future of architecture.
The production of value has ever been concentrated in cities. They are the driving force of economy. But the globalization process enabled the relocation of the productive industry to developing countries - where salaries are low and the environmental restrictions are almost of no concern. Additionally the land value of urban ground is rising permanently, especially in dense megacities leading to speculations and displacement of productive areas from the city to the periphery and thereby consolidating the post-industrial production as post-urban. The monofunctional emphasis on the development of housing in the
TESTING-GROUND journal invites contributions for its second issue, other sides.
What resides on the other side can cause fear, concern, intrigue, delight and fascination. Neighbouring and distant lands are destinations to visit, invade, occupy and separate ourselves from. Many territorial borders are marked with walls and fences or have settled along rivers and ridges of mountains. These socially and architecturally constructed landscapes contrast with cities and towns which unite otherwise separated territories. The second issue of TESTING-GROUND focuses on concepts, structures, devices and architecture which define or integrate difference.
Conscripting Climate: Environmental Risk and Defensive Urbanism
Editors: Aria Finkelstein and Hannah Teicher
Paper submission deadline: January 16, 2017
As adaptation to climate change has become a concern for municipalities, resilience has largely replaced sustainability as the dominant environmental framing in planning discourse (Fainstein 2015, Vale 2014). This shift towards the “securitization of nature” (Davoudi 2014) coincides with the elevation of climate change on military agendas. In the military’s conception, climate change will not only contribute to security issues from resource wars to refugee crises, but will act as a “threat multiplier,” magnifying all existing forms
Empresa Portuaria Austral (the Southern Port Company) of Chile invites all Chilean and foreign architects to participate in the international competition for the design of the master plan and preliminary design of the Port of Mageallan´es´ new International Passenger Terminal in the city of Punta Arenas. All Chilean or foreign architects that participate must include on their team at least one architect that is currently a member of the Chilean Institute of Architects (Colegio de Arquitectos de Chile A.G.).
In those areas in which spontaneous and unauthorized construction is widespread, overwhelming good architecture, one should consider that informal phenomena are a tangible manifestation of the social relationship with built environment. Structural or decorative elements are figured out and crafted to quickly respond to two important needs: spatial appropriation and self-representation of the builder. Often lying in the grey area of building regulations.
Founded by the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada (RAIC) and the Canadian architect Raymond Moriyama, the $100,000 prize was created in 2014 to raise the international stature of the RAIC and the Canadian architectural profession, and to encourage Canadian architects to aspire to international excellence.
"When it comes to distinguished contests, Sub-Zero and Wolf’s Kitchen Design Contest is the crème de la crème", says Mikal Otten, owner of Exquisite Kitchen Design, Denver, CO. "Since winning the first place global award for Transitional styling, we’ve gained a tremendous amount of credibility." Post
The role of the Curator requires a comprehensive and multifaceted training that allows them to move in different contexts and platforms. The contemporary Curator investigates and identifies relevant issues and their relationships to, then, launch through exhibitions a narrative capable of catching the audience’s interest. A Curator’s work, therefore, encourages reflection and promotes new ways of perceiving and understanding architecture and design. The Master in Curatorship of Architecture and Design at IUAV (Venice, Italy) aims to train professionals capable of developing curatorial projects with a solid foundation in theory and critical thinking, coupled with a strong knowledge of strategies in exhibition making.
Colegio de Arquitectos de Chile and the XX Bienal de Arquitectura y Urbanismo de Chile curatorial team, invite international professionals to participate in the exhibition, to be held a second consecutive year at the Parque Cultural de Valparaíso. Aspiring towards a biennial open to citizens rather than closed to the discipline, the biennial is titled “Diálogos Impostergables”, and for the first time will include citizen's initiatives.
How will everyday life evolve in the cities of tomorrow? What kind of changes will smart systems, technologies of automation and constant connectivity bring? Which new economic models might emerge and what will the role of the particularities of different geographical areas be? How will the development of the future cities affect the environment and the natural resources of the planet?
We want to see your designs for an architecture Halloween pumpkin! Download the design template below and illustrate/animate/build something that will squash us with your talent. We'll be accepting entries until October 24, at 12:00 pm EST and we'll publish our favorites before Halloween! Editorial Team
Talented students of design & architecture – now it’s time to think, rethink and innovate! Honour, glory and 5,000 Euros are at stake. Registration deadline for the Troldtekt Award 2016 is October 24. Post
The City requests proposals from design service firms or teams of firms with experience with marine facility design and urban open space design. The City seeks to develop schematic designs and estimate costs for new facilities supporting redevelopment of the study area that implement existing policies and goals for the site as articulated in the Program Statement for the Amethyst Lot.
This is the inaugural interior design award organized by Society of Interior Designers, Singapore (SIDS), with the primary aim to reach out to the international interior design communities.
Submitted works will be judged in an unbiased, fair and open manner, regardless of the nationality and reputation of the entrants. Identities of entrants will be kept confidential from the Jury Panel.
The Higher Technical School of Seville, University of Seville, and the Architectural Constructions I Department is pleased to invite researchers and construction agents to the III International and V National Congress on Sustainable Construction and Eco-Efficient Solutions, which will take place on 2017 in Seville.
It’s LIQUID Group is selecting all interesting photography, design/architecture projects, video-art, painting, installation and performance art works to include in the next event: "OXYGEN – FRAGMENTED CITIES+IDENTITIES," It’s LIQUID International Architecture, Video Art, Painting, Photography, Installation and Performing Art Festival, that will be hosted in Bogotá (Colombia), at Jorge Jurado Gallery, from November 19 to December 19, 2016.
Time for impact is ready to build a global movement of people - architects, designers, urban planners, experts of different disciplines, citizens - with the aim to collect relevant projects with a strong social impact.
Simultaneous uses coexist, confound, and conflict. Each circulator tries to delegitimize the other by getting in the way, amounting to an all-out war. As more and more people seek alternate forms of travel, there is a need for empathy in how we move through the city. Far from creating enmity, a multiplicity of flows can encourage greater sensitivity. Walkers, runners, skateboarders, pedicabbers, bikers, limousine, bus, and truck drivers, drone operators, kayakers, and swimmers can find ways to share the city, while feeling that their space is free and respected.
Infrastructure includes roads, pipe systems, cable networks, bridges, public places as well as less tangible forms including systems for traffic management or capital flow, public security, or information technology. The way this infrastructure is designed fundamentally affects our lives and the space in which we conduct our activities.
Since infrastructure often spans longer timeframes, it also affects future generations and the way society develops – and due to the massive scale of infrastructure, it is a critical component in shaping the built environment in a sustainable way.
We are running out of time for finding good solutions, which is why the LafargeHolcim Foundation is forging partnerships that promote sustainable construction along the value chain from design through to building implementation. The Foundation’s approach to learning from outstanding examples is embedded in its activities, including the USD 2 million Awards competition for sustainable construction projects and visions.
What does it mean for design to disappear? Absence, often seen as the result of a destructive force, may in fact be productive. While presence implies creation, absence promises possibilities.
Architecture, despite being closely associated with ‘creation’, in fact oscillates between the construction of the ever new and the destruction of the same ones as time, new trends, and advances in technology render them obsolete. The line between nostalgic monumentalization and the inevitable reality of demolition is drawn to establish the life cycle of any building. In today’s design culture that is as impatient as it is impermanent, we
LIQUID Group, in collaboration with Gallery Altillo del Arte, is selecting all interesting photography, design/architecture projects, video-art, painting, installation and performance art works to include in the next event: Oxygen – Fragmented Cities + Identities, hosted in Bogotá (Colombia), at Contemporary Art Gallery Altillo del Arte – Espacio Cultural, from October 27 to November 24, 2016.
A few years ago we asked our readers to submit photos of their offices so that we could celebrate the many different environments in which architecture is created. Now we're asking you to not only show us where you work but also how you work. We want to see your immaculately curated desks and your overflowing studio cubicles—but more importantly, we want to see those sketching skills! Editorial Team