Rene Submissions


Tackling Water Insecurity in South Asia: The Case for Reviving Historic Water Management Systems

Join World Monuments Fund (WMF) for panel discussion exploring ongoing efforts to tackle water insecurity in South Asia by reviving historic water management systems in India and Nepal. Moderated by WMF Vice President of Programs Jonathan S. Bell, the event will consider the opportunities presented by these efforts to address intersecting contemporary issues, including the impacts of urbanization and climate change on access to clean water.

The Urban Revamp Design Challenge

A common scenario experienced by rapidly urbanising Indian cities today is that irrespective of their geographical location, level of development and state of economic stability, the quality of life in the public realm is extremely poor. This design challenge has been conceived by Young Leaders for Active Citizenship (YLAC) and Sensing Local in partnership with the Institute of Urban Designers India (IUDI), Curiosity Alliance Foundation, and Kasturi Nagar Residents Welfare Association aims to blend technical expertise with citizen participation to reclaim and transform parts of Bengaluru through the Urban Revamp Design Challenge.

ProtoLAB Design&Build Workshop 2023

Are you fascinated by visualizing and creating your designs?
Or would you like to learn how to use professional building tools?
If so, then this event is just for you!

Design Challenge: Balancing Site Impact With Sun and Shade

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When François Lévy was asked to design a country home on a substantial piece of land, he immediately faced an issue: locating the building in a spot which required as little re-grading as possible while being able to reap the benefits of solar energy. The most desirable location —given site access and a range of mature oaks— would have left the building sitting slightly out of grade. And, if he had chosen the most obvious building orientation (long and narrow with broad elevations facing north and south), part of it would jut out of the ground and some crucial trees would be lost.

Norman Foster Foundation and Holcim Present New Concept for an “Essential Home”

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Currently at 103 million, the number of people forcibly displaced from their homes is continuously growing. Many seek shelter in settlements that are meant to be temporary, but where displaced people end up living years, even decades.

The Norman Foster Foundation and Holcim, global leader in sustainable building solutions, came together to form a response to this problem based on two firm beliefs: everyone has the right to a home, and everyone should have access to sustainable building.

Norman Foster Designs Display Cases for Retrospective at the Centre Pompidou

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The largest exhibition of Norman Foster’s work to date, hosted by the Centre Pompidou, explores six decades of the architect’s illustrious career through a host of revealing sketchbooks, drawings, images, original models, and videos. The exhibition was designed by Norman Foster and executed with Foster + Partners and the Norman Foster Foundation. A custom-made series of modular display cases was designed by Norman Foster and a team from the Norman Foster Foundation and engineered by Goppion, world leader in the manufacture and installation of museum display cases, to display the architect’s sketchbooks and transparencies.

Punto Zero: An object that wanted to change the world

Punto Zero. An object that wanted to change the world, is an exhibition curated by the students of the School for Curatorial Studies Venice. This event has been created in collaboration with Video Sound Art Milan, a festival and production centre of contemporary art, Coordinated by Laura Lamonea (artistic director and curator) and Thomas Ba (curator). The students have developed a curatorial project investigating the invisible qualities of objects. Through installations, sculptures, sound, and site-specific performative events, the visitor will have the opportunity to confront the nature of the objects that surround us. The exhibition can be visited between the 13 and 21 of May at Istituto secondario di primo grado Pier Fortunato Calvi, located between the Giardini and the Arsenale of the Venice Biennale.

Europan 17's Living Cities Competition

Europan 17 invites interdisciplinary teams of architects, urbanists and landscapers under the age of 40 with a European diploma - and students in master in the same fields - to develop new concepts on Living Cities through its bi-annual competition.

Call for Participation: Stories of Situated Pedagogies in Architecture

Stories of Situated Pedagogies in Architecture and … aims to gather educators and learners who are enthusiastic about sharing their stories of situated pedagogies in architecture and other fields with an interest in critical spatial practices. We invite all to apply to this workshop call with critical responses to their personal experiences in education. We envision a playful and productive platform for communication through pre-workshop peer-to-peer reviews, round-table sessions and field trips in Istanbul, and post-workshop collaborations for publication.

EUROPAN 17, Living Cites 2, Cantù

Europan is a competition of ideas followed by implementation processes open to professionals of the architectural, urban and landscape design under 40 years of age.

Preliminary Design Contest for the Alicante City Congress Center in Spain

The city of Alicante, capital of the province and fifth in population in Spain, has a privileged climate and an exceptional location, magnificent infrastructures and extraordinary communications. With its airport, the fifth in number of passengers in Spain, and its high-speed rail connection with Madrid, it is a technological and tertiary hub in continuous development that also houses the European Union Intellectual Property Office, trademark registration and of Community designs.

Foundations For Home-Based Work: A Comparative Perspective

Foundations for Home-Based Work: A Comparative Perspective is a hybrid conference funded by the Cultural Research Centre, under Department of Communications and New Media and jointly held with the Asia Research Institute at the National University of Singapore, as a culminative part of a research project entitled Foundations for Home-Based Work: A Singapore Study (NUS-IRB-2021-799; Project No. A-0008463-01-00), funded by MOE SSRTG, under Principal Investigator Associate Professor Lilian Chee, and Co-Investigators Professor Jane M. Jacobs, Professor Audrey Yue, and Dr. Natalie Pang.

Melnychuka 14-16 International Architectural Competition

Create an adaptive reuse project, providing functional use that fits building topology and urban context. At the same time aiming to preserve authenticity; increase the profitability of the property complex; unite the property complex into a single concept; and integrate the territory into the urban context.

Anatolian Houses in Turkish Countryside Workshop

Emre Senan Design Foundation which is located in Yahsibey Village on the Aegean Coast, Turkey, has been running workshops for international students for nearly 20 years.

GEMSS'23 Open Call

The Circle invites creative and young architects to apply for the third edition of the Emerging Architects Selection & Exhibition! The deadline for participation in GEMSS'23 is June 18th.

Digital Deconstruction Showcase Event

Three years ago, the EU Interreg project Digital Deconstruction (DDC) was launched to develop digital tools on a platform that enable circular construction.

Meet Me Under a Roof of Leaves: The Use of Plants in the Design of Urban Spaces

We see the climate crisis as a clear indication that new social, aesthetic, economic and ecological values must be discussed and established. This also concerns the question of the possibilities of a climate-friendly transformation of our cities.

Unfolding Pavilion #OPENGIARDINI

On May 19, 2023 at 7PM, on the occasion of the vernissage of the 18th International Architecture Exhibition at the Biennale di Venezia, the Unfolding Pavilion will once more open its doors to the public. Following the previous editions on Ignazio Gardella’s Casa alle Zattere, Gino Valle’s Giudecca Social Housing, and the lost replica of John Hejduk’s House for the Inhabitant Who Refused to Participate, the fourth Unfolding Pavilion will be dedicated to the Giardini della Biennale: the Venetian site featuring the highest concentration of modern architecture, with buildings by Alvar Aalto, Josef Hoffmann, Gerrit Rietveld, Carlo Scarpa, James Stirling, Sverre Fehn and more.