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Great Together, Great Apart: Minotti's Dylan and Raphael

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Upholstery is at the heart of every living space, providing comfort both physically and visually. It’s the basis for an interior to grow and evolve, setting the tone for a wider 360-degree landscape. To create a truly dynamic foundation, it usually takes a few different sofas or armchairs, but pairing them up to create the desired harmony between color, texture, form and function can be a challenge without experiencing them side by side in space.

Rules of Thumb for Choosing Colors for Façades and Exteriors

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Façade colors are closely linked to place identity and help influence the surroundings and inhabitants of an area; they make it easier to safeguard and correct the use of color in urban areas. During the launch of their new color collection, STENI worked in collaboration with Scandinavia's leading expert in color and architecture, Kine Angelo, Associate Professor at NTNU, Department of Architecture and Technology, who has been working with color for over 12 years.

Refurbishing Buildings Haunted by the Past: 7 Places to Visit in São Paulo

World Tourism Day is observed every year on September 27th. Tourists create itineraries based on a wide range of interests, such as architecture, gastronomy, or natural beauty, which are the most common choices. However, some travelers seek out hints of mystery and places with haunting histories. In a city as rich in stories as São Paulo, it's not hard to discover locations with a past marked by unsettling events, which have now been repurposed into cultural attractions, enriching the tapestry of the city's society.

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5 Ways to Create More Liveable Cities: Insights from TV Show "Tale of Two Cities" with Dikshu Kukreja

Cities are the bedrock of civilization. For millennia, they have attracted people with the promise of superior standards of living — from better economic and educational opportunities to easier access to quality public infrastructure such as housing, healthcare, and public transport. Today, however, many cities around the world are finding it challenging to live up to this promise. With urban migration accelerating at a dizzying rate – the United Nations projects that over two-thirds of the world's population will live in cities or urban centers by 2050 – existing resources and services in cities are coming under increasing pressure, rendering them dysfunctional and leading to glaring inequities.

There is no singular way to define or assess liveability; every city has a unique set of characteristics, from its history, culture, geography, and demographics, to how it is governed and what urban issues plague it. Therefore, improving liveability requires concerted efforts from multiple stakeholders including people, governments, and experts, to identify critical problem areas and opportunities, and devise contextual solutions. The TV show Tale of Two Cities, where Indian architect and urbanist Dikshu C. Kukreja sits down with global leaders, brings out great insights into what some major cities in the world are doing to create more liveable environments for their inhabitants. Here we present five examples: from Bogotá, Kolkata, Hannover, Tirana, and Washington, D.C.

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Sliding Pocket Doors Can Help Save Space and Optimize Small Interiors

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As urban areas around the world continue to experience population growth and increasing demand for housing, the land available for development is becoming both more limited and expensive. In large urban centers, many people deliberately choose the convenience and efficiency of compact living spaces in exchange for the benefits of city life, such as proximity to work, amenities, and cultural attractions. For others, however, the need to live in small spaces is a reality imposed by circumstances. In order to make construction feasible and increase urban density, builders and developers end up significantly reducing the size of rooms in homes, occasionally compromising the quality of life of those who live there. This has led to the adoption of various creative strategies to improve the efficiency of reduced interior spaces and provide greater comfort for occupants.

Addressing the Water Crisis Around the World: A Focus on Water Leakages

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Water is a fundamental resource that sustains life, underpins agriculture, and fuels industry worldwide. However, water scarcity is becoming an increasingly pressing issue around the globe. Factors such as climate change, rapid urbanization, and industrial expansion exacerbate this situation. Among these contributing elements, water leakage remains an often underestimated and deprioritized aspect of water wastage.

Architecture to Postpone the End of the World

In 2019, as the world was on the brink of facing one of the most significant pandemics in recent history, Ailton Krenak, a Brazilian indigenous leader, environmentalist, and philosopher, published a book titled Ideas to Postpone the End of the World. This brief booklet, comprising slightly more than 80 pages, came into circulation at a critical juncture, providing both reassurance and a cautionary message to humanity during a time when it observed the rapid evolution of history.

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What is a Good Interior Design?

The world's recent shift towards prioritizing wellness has influenced people to seek healthier lifestyles by understanding the body and the mind collectively. External factors such as the geographic location, the environment, the community, financial status, and the relationships with friends and family have all shown to have considerable impacts on an individual's health. However, it became evident that ensuring physical and mental health was not limited to having access to medical facilities and professional treatments, but was also determined by several factors related to the quality of the built environment. 

Architects have a choice to design better and consequently, help people make better choices. So what is considered a good interior design, and what are the factors that make any interior space a good one? In this interior focus, we will explore this "good" side of design, looking at how architects ensured the needs of users by acknowledging accessibility, demographic diversity, economy, and the environment, regardless of aesthetic.

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Carlo Ratti Associati Designs Kinetic Solutions to Flooding, Transforming Turin's Waterfront in Italy

Carlo Ratti Associati has revealed the design transformation of Turin’s historic waterfront in Italy. The project’s main aim is to address the current climate crisis and leverage architectural solutions to create spaces that can withstand the recurring floods of the Po River. Throughout the scheme, many architectural elements are kinetic, allowing them to rise above the water. “Floating Above the Floods” creates new solutions for urban climate adaptations and provides insights into universal strategies for urban waterways.

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Neuroarchitecture and Landscaping: Healing Spaces and the Potential of Sensory Gardens

The convergence of neuroscience, architecture, and landscaping has ignited a creative revolution in the design of our built environments. Neuroarchitecture, an emerging discipline that blends principles of neuroscience with architectural design, sheds light on the significant impact of physical spaces on our emotions, behaviors, and overall well-being. Amidst this, sensory gardens emerge as intriguing therapeutic spaces, investigating the distinct interplay between the human brain and nature.

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Open Design Language in Open-Kitchen Restaurants

What you see is said to be what you get. The low-skilled cooking techniques and apparatus employed at branded fast-food restaurants, for example, are presented in full visibility to waiting customers. But this concept for designing open, transparent hospitality environments at least serves customers with honesty,  because although the freshest ingredients and cordon bleu techniques are nowhere to be seen, neither is the grease and grime formerly associated with the category of eatery.

Compare that to more upmarket establishments that keep the cacophony of a commercial kitchen hidden from view during service, and you start to wonder what else they might be hiding. By installing the same open-kitchen concept, professional kitchens that use talented chefs and high-quality ingredients are able to prove it.

Bridging the Gap: 15 Atypical Living Solutions in Urban Remnants

Behind facades lie vibrant lives, where the exterior melds with the interior, transforming neglected urban spaces into captivating residences. In cities around the world, architects, engineers and designers face the challenge of integrating new buildings into existing urban landscapes with limited space. Many architects are now embracing this concept, expanding their designs beyond conventional boundaries and transforming small city lots into layered and interconnected living spaces.

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Manufacturers Draw Back the Curtain at Dutch Design Week 2023

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Right place, right time: that's how you could describe the origin story of Future > Factory > Furniture >, a special event at Dutch Design Week 2023, which returns to the iconic Klokgebouw –along with over one hundred other sites in the city of Eindhoven– from 21 to 29 October. It was in the former Philips factory building that, earlier this year, another industry gathering took place. Destination Design hosted over 40 international and Dutch brands for the second year running in an effort to shed light on new products and innovative ideas.

How and Where Chaos Vantage Can Make Visualizing Architecture Easier

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In the ever-evolving world of architectural visualization, Chaos Vantage is emerging as a valuable tool for architects, designers, and creative professionals who want to get a fresh, photorealistic perspective on their V-Ray projects in real-time. So, why should professionals consider exploring Chaos Vantage, in addition to the tools that already exist? This article will delve into its advantages, particularly in the realms of real-time, super-fast rendering, and photorealism.

New Spaces for Bicycles: The Future of Urban Mobility

What role will bicycles play in the cities of tomorrow? Their implementation as a more sustainable form of transportation for commuting to work or school, as well as for various household and recreational activities, has become an opportunity for thousands of architects and urban planners.

A Recycling Center in Zurich and a Resilience Hub in Arizona: 8 Unbuilt Projects That Champion Adaptive Reuse

As the landscape of architecture and urban development adapts to the modern climate, the traditional notion of construction has been significantly modified and adjusted. Specifically, principles of reuse, recycling, adaptive reuse, and the power of transforming existing structures into something more meaningful and sustainable have gained much traction. Looking at these curated collections of unbuilt projects, one can begin exploring a different way of looking at buildings and heritage, which is significantly more sensitive to the built environment.

From the austere office buildings of the United Kingdom to the proposal to re-activate a skyscraper in Ostrava, these diverse contexts tell stories of resilience, innovation, and a profound commitment to the existing built environment. Offering a new way of looking at things, the projects champion adaptive reuse and activation concepts.

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The Beachside House: A Case Study of Vernacular-Inspired Architecture Using Modern Materials

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Each architectural style intrinsically relates to a specific context, period, or place. An illustrative example is the region of the United States, which was strongly influenced by the period of British colonization in the Americas (17th-18th centuries). In this context, dwellings emerged that adopted a distinctive architectural language. Moreover, the large distances between major cities in many areas of the country had a significant impact on the configuration of domestic architecture, resulting in the inclusion of barns and other structures that served various functions in addition to housing. This architectural style is characterized by its rectangular floor plan, two-story structures, gable roofs, and wooden cladding on the facade. These elements constitute an integral part of the vernacular expression of the houses from that time.

Speaking specifically of gable roofs, they are the feature most associated with the traditional aesthetic of dwellings developed between the 17th and 19th centuries, as well as later ones. One example is the Beachside House, which is a contemporary project documented in Swisspearl Architecture Magazine. This settlement is located on the shore of Long Island Sound, which divides Connecticut from Long Island, New York. With its four gable-roofed structures, covered with light-toned fiber cement panels, it seeks to be an abstraction of New England vernacular architecture.

The Second Studio Podcast: Interview with Neri&Hu

The Second Studio (formerly The Midnight Charette) is an explicit podcast about design, architecture, and the everyday. Hosted by Architects David Lee and Marina Bourderonnet, it features different creative professionals in unscripted conversations that allow for thoughtful takes and personal discussions.

A variety of subjects are covered with honesty and humor: some episodes are interviews, while others are tips for fellow designers, reviews of buildings and other projects, or casual explorations of everyday life and design. The Second Studio is also available on iTunes, Spotify, and YouTube.

This week David and Marina of FAME Architecture & Design are joined by Architects Lyndon Neri and Rossana Hu, founding partners of Neri&Hu Design and Research Office, to discuss their upbringing, moving to the United States in their youth; meeting at Berkeley; studying and teaching Architecture; moving to China; starting their office together; running a multi-disciplinary office; their philosophy; and more.

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