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Basic Tips for Choosing a Toilet in an Architecture Project

We may not give them the importance they deserve, but toilets are fundamental to our daily lives and our health. There are two "golden rules" that articulate their usefulness: they 'separate' us immediately from our waste, and they transport them for treatment, preventing them from contaminating the environment or making people sick.

In addition to being a good place to think about new ideas, browse Instagram, and answer emails, the toilet helps us stay healthy, an attribute we take for granted until we lose access to it.

Executive Order Could Make America's New Federal Architecture Classical

A new executive order by Donald Trump has the potential to make new federal architecture in the United States follow the classical style. Called "Making Federal Buildings Beautiful Again", the order would require rewriting the Guiding Principles for Federal Architecture, issued in 1962, to ensure that “the classical architectural style shall be the preferred and default style” for new and upgraded federal buildings.

Art and Architecture: 6 Installations Responding to the Climate Crisis

Studying the data that indicates a climate crisis that has been affecting the whole planet for the last decades, the reactionary attitudes may sound disappointing. However, at the same time that the news indicates a global average temperature rise, the political focus on the climate crisis is also intensified, according to the UN Environment report released in 2019, which is a reflection not only of the occurrence of manifestations and protests around the world but also of the so-called activist art expression.

ArchDaily's 2020 Building of the Year Awards are Now Open for Nominations

As the architectural community and the world looks forward to a new year, and a new decade, we do so from rapidly shifting grounds. The world around us is being transformed by a variety of factors in the built environment, from the opportunities of new materials and technologies, to pressing challenges such as climate change and inequality. At ArchDaily, we continue to proactively respond to this changing world, evolving as a tool for knowledge and inspiration for all those involved in shaping the built environment, be they architects, designers, or our growing audience of ‘DIY architects;’ everyday citizens taking an active interest in shaping their own homes and communities. 

While our database, mission, and focus develops, some traditions endure. Chief among this is our flagship award series – the Building of the Year Awards. Now, we are proud to launch the 11th edition of one of the architecture world’s most influential and democratic award series, celebrating the best architecture around the world as chosen by you, the reader.

Therefore, we once again invite you to participate in the ArchDaily Building of the Year 2020 Awards. We ask you to recognize and reward the projects that you feel are creating the largest impact in the built environment, that ArchDaily has published on our projects database in 2019. By nominating and voting, you form part of an interdependent, impartial, distributed network of jurors and peers that has consistently helped us celebrate architecture of every scale, purpose, and condition, from countries large and small, and architects of all descriptions. Over the coming weeks, your votes will result in 4000 projects being filtered down to just 15 – representing the best in each project category on ArchDaily. Read below for more details on how to submit, and thank you once again for helping us continue to democratize architectural excellence across the world.

Heart Squared Installation, Designed by MODU and Eric Forman, Opens in Times Square

Dedicated to love and diversity, the public art installation Heart Squared has just opened to the public. In its 12th edition, the Times Square Valentine Heart Design Competition curated by Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum had selected the winning proposal of MODU, an architecture and design firm based in Brooklyn, and Eric Forman Studio.

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Heatherwick Discusses Design on a Human Scale in First Episode of ReSITE Podcast

Design and the City is a podcast by reSITE, raising questions and proposing solutions for the city of the future. In the first episode, Thomas Heatherwick founder of Heatherwick Studios discusses the notion of Designing on a Human Scale, describes his conceptual approach and introduces his latest venture in the heart of historic Prague. Joining the interview is ArchDaily editor, Christele Harrouk.

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Beatriz Colomina Receives Ada Louise Huxtable Prize

Architecture theorist, historian, and curator Beatriz Colomina has been awarded the 2020 Ada Louise Huxtable Prize for Contribution to Architecture from the W Awards. As the Howard Crosby Butler Professor of the History of Architecture and co-director of the Program in Media and Modernity at Princeton, Colomina is an internationally renowned architectural historian and theorist who has written extensively on questions of architecture, art, technology, sexuality and media.

Design Your Summer! UC Berkeley's College of Environmental Design is Now Accepting Applications

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Today's designers have inherited unprecedented global challenges, a legacy which will require radically new ways of fashioning the buildings, places, and landscapes that harbor our diverse ways of life. The College of Environmental Design offers several introductory and advanced programs for those interested in confronting these challenges in the fields of architecture, landscape architecture and environmental planning, urban design, and sustainable city planning. Please visit UC Berkeley's Summer Programs website to view images of student work and learn more about the CED Summer experience.

What is Biomass Energy?

With growing awareness of the impact of fossil fuels on the natural environment and their common usage in buildings, architects are increasingly required to specify and accommodate alternative energy sources in their design approaches. Included in this portfolio of progressive energy sources is biomass, a scalable system that combines the usage of raw, sustainable materials with a lower resulting emission of CO2. As a method often heralded as the most transferable alternative to gas and coal, we answer a simple question: what is biomass energy?

Students Respond to The School of Architecture at Taliesin's Closure

Last week, The School of Architecture at Taliesin announced the closing of the school after 88 years. Both the school and the Frank Lloyd Wright foundation issued statements on the closure, and now the Student Body has created their own statement outlining the impact of the decision. The news of closure followed the conclusion of a multi-year struggle back in 2017, when the school was approved to maintain its accreditation as an institute of higher learning.

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Factors that Transform a Workplace into a Happy Place

It is truly odd how we always find ourselves in a bad mood at work and our productivity keeps decreasing as the week passes by. To be fair, we can’t keep blaming our colleagues, clients, or Monday for our rough day; sometimes it’s the chair we are sitting on, the fluorescent lighting above our computer, or the constant “chugging” sound of the printer near the desk.

Other than the fact that people spend about 70-80% of their time indoors, almost 9 hours of their day are being spent at work; and studies have indicated that the environmental quality of an office has short and long term effects on the comfort, health, and productivity of the people occupying it. While research on the comfort conditions of workplaces is still relatively minimal, we have put together a list of factors that have proved to be highly influential on the comfort of individuals in workplaces.

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Reparametrize Studio and Digital Architects Re-Code Post War Syria

Reparametrize Studio and Digital Architects have created an exhibition combining photography and 360-degree projection mapping, to showcase destroyed cities, part of the 2019/2020 Bi-City Shenzhen Biennale of Urbanism/Architecture. As Ziwar Al Nouri, Founder of Reparametrize Studio stated, the project underlines the different possibilities “when numbers meet Architecture and Culture and help us improve human life and the future of our city”.

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China Completes Hospital in 10 Days to Fight Coronavirus

China's Wuhan City has completed construction of the 1,000-bed Wuhan Huoshenshan Hospital in under ten days. Built to treat coronavirus patients, the hospital aims to build off the previous construction of Beijing Xiaotangshan Hospital in just a week's time back in 2003. The final project was finished by a 7,000-member crew, and the hospital received its first patients on Monday morning.

Laka Competition Reveals 2020 Results of "Architecture that Reacts"

Laka released the results of its competition that gathered over 200 entries. Aiming to diversify the outcomes, the theme focuses on architectural, urban, technological, or product design “capable of dynamic interaction with its social, natural, or built surroundings”. In fact, the subject revolves around interdisciplinary “solutions developed through a process of changes and adjustments”.

An international panel of judges went through the projects of 350 participants from 40 countries, and selected the proposals that “took advantages from disciplines such as robotics, mechanics, digital fabrication, biodesign and biofabrication, computational design, materials science, bioarchitecture, social sciences, industrial design, mobility, and more”. Read on for the complete list of winners.

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The Future of the Old: How Ancient Construction Techniques are Being Updated

While technology and construction have progressed rapidly in recent years, allowing structures to be built taller and faster than ever, remnants of colossal ancient monuments remind us that construction techniques from as long as hundreds of years ago had enormous merit as well. In fact, many of the innovations of antiquity serve as foundations of modern construction, with the Roman invention of concrete serving as a cogent example. Other essential ancient construction techniques, such as the arch and the dome, are now often considered stylistic flourishes, with designs like the Met Opera House reinterpreting classical typologies in a modern context. Yet perhaps the most relevant reinterpretations of ancient construction today are those that do so in the interest of sustainability, renouncing high-energy modern construction methods in favor of older, more natural techniques.

How Cities and Architecture Respond to the Coronavirus

Does the Coronavirus concern us? Yes, it does. Beyond the rush for health cures, cities are seen to react by using both architecture and urban strategic planning as tools for the virus’ containment, shattering our notions of city and resilience planning.

Updated Images Reveal Interior Space of Heatherwick’s Lantern House in New York

New renderings were unveiled for Heatherwick’s first residential project in New York, currently under construction. The recently dubbed “Lantern House”, in West Chelsea’s neighborhood, will join a series of developments, expanding the High Line's facades.

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wHY Granted Approval to Design the Tchaikovsky Academic Opera and Ballet Theater in Perm, Russia

The City Council of Perm, the planning commission, and members of the public gave their approval for a wHY-designed theater at the center of a major cultural revitalization initiative, led by the city’s mayor. The project will be a collaboration between wHY’s New York office and Buildings Workshop, and wHY’s Landscape Workshop, in order to generate a landmark for the emerging arts district.

Morphosis Designs Sinuous New Nanjing Conference Center in China

Morphosis Architects designed a new conference center for the city of Nanjing in China. Located in the New Jiangbei District, the project is situated between China’s eastern coastal cities and the Yangtze River Delta region. The conference center design was made as a flagship project to embody a charter for sustainable and ecologically-sensitive development.

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The Curious History and Beauty of Shenzhen's Urban Villages

The Chinese megacity of Shenzhen bares all the hallmarks of a surging modern metropolis. Busy (and loud) five-lane motorways weave through islands of glittering glass skyscrapers, rising from podiums filled with designer shops, fronting vast squares and plazas, activated by screen-savvy young professionals fueling the city’s booming tech economy. Such a scene is truly remarkable considering that before 1980, Shenzhen was nothing more than a provincial fishing town of 60,000 people. Today, that figure has risen to 13 million.

This poses the question of how the urban environment accommodated such a rapid population explosion in such a short time. The answer lies in the city’s “Urban Villages,” remarkable manifestations of Shenzhen’s past and present, though likely not of its future.

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A Russian Parks Program Creates Over 350 Public Spaces and Nurtures Local Design Talent

Costing less than glitzier parks in Moscow, the Tatarstan initiative is revivifying the local design and manufacturing bases with a "teach a man to fish" approach.

In places without an established design force, there have historically been two opposing approaches at play: hire experts from abroad or nurture a local design community, a la “give a man a fish or teach him how to fish.” In the Russian republic of Tatarstan, located at the intersection between Europe and Asia, a recent Public Spaces Development Program has created over 350 parks in five years—by choosing the latter approach.

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David Adjaye's 130 William Street Nears Completion

Photographer Paul Clemence has shared with us a series of new photographs of a nearly completed 130 William development by Adjaye Associates. The firm’s first residential tower in the USA, topping out in the spring of last year at 800 feet, is located in the Financial District of Lower Manhattan, New York.

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