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Architecture Competitions

World Architecture Festival call for entries to The 2019 Architecture Drawing Prize

The Architecture Drawing Prize is an international competition that celebrates the art and skill of architectural drawing. Now in its third year, the prize is curated by Make Architects, Sir John Soane’s Museum and the World Architecture Festival.

In the spirit of many great architects of the past, from Palladio and John Soane to Le Corbusier and Cedric Price, it’s an ideal platform for reflecting on and exploring how drawing continues to advance the art of architecture today.

Entries are welcomed from architects, designers and students from around the world, in the following categories: hand-drawing, digital and hybrid.

This year sees the introduction

Call For Ideas: MIcro Housing 2019 Architecture Competition

Since the beginning of time, a HOME has continued to be an entity that is intimate to all living beings on the planet. Apart from being a physical shelter for humans and their daily lives, a home forms a distinct, intimate connection with its users.

Today, across the globe, we are experiencing a rise in densely populated urban areas, along with a lack of land resources to provide sufficient housing for the masses. This phenomenon has given rise to a new movement of Micro-Housing; one that commands the idea of simple but inventive living in today’s urban areas.

The concept

LIBGEN - Towards a new class of evolutionary libraries


The world that we see today is closer than ever before. Knowledge which was earlier stored via books has now been transferred to the digital medium. It is accessible to the world, making the process of acquiring this knowledge i.e. learning, simpler. An avenue to self-educate and learn was initiated by need of a public space that made knowledge accessible to all with books. The concept of libraries initiated with this idea, by making learning accessible to all. It banked on the idea of gathering a wide spectrum of knowledge in one space, open to enable self-learning.

Books is a medium

International Ideas Competition: LIVING IN THE CITY. Contemporary Urban Housing in Uruguay

The Ministry of Housing Land Planning and Environment through the Directorate of Housing (DINAVI) and the Faculty of Architecture, Design, and Urbanism (FADU) through the Housing Committee come together to organize a competition of proposals open to students, teachers, and professionals in general. The entries should develop project-ideas conceived as alternatives and innovations to the current ways of management, design, and construction of urban housing in Uruguay.

The context
The dynamics of the contemporary living present a strong challenge for understanding and approaching current problems of habitability. That results in high levels of complexity of the different ways

AERIAL FUTURES: Living Laboratories Symposium. Announcement & Open Call for Papers

The AERIAL FUTURES: Living Laboratories Symposium examines the confluence of urban elements within the airport landscape—transportation, commerce, public space and technological interfaces—and how Asian airports introduce alternatives for life in transit.

By 2035, it’s estimated that air travel in Asia will be greater than Europe and North America combined, with routes in Asia serving an extra 1.8 billion annual passengers. Increase in airport capacity challenges physical infrastructure as much as operations and passenger experience. A trillion dollars is earmarked for airport development in Asia alone in the next 10 years. Unprecedented growth requirements are difficult to meet and concrete alone is

Plugin Housing Challenge - Towards a more efficient future of housing


Humankind has lived and worked primarily in rural areas. But now, more than half of the globe's population, will be living in towns and cities. The number of urban dwellers is rising, reaching almost 32% of total world population, and 68% by 2050. It is estimated that 900 million urban dwellers and over one billion rural people now live in overcrowded and poor quality housing without adequate provision for water, sanitation, drainage or the collection of household waste.
Even renting affordable houses in the world's largest cities is impossible and people have to resort to long commute hours to reach

Open call: Project UTAH, The Entertainment City of the Future

The Untitled Wasatch Entertainment City, Which we will codename it "Project UT", is in Development at this moment, when complete by 2030, it will feature a Hard Rock Park, LIONSGATE Theme Park, Evermore Park, 30,000 seat Hockey Arena, 50,000 Seat Baseball Stadium, 20,000 Seat Basketball Arena, Winter Sports/ski Slope/Snow Park, Water Park, Live Music stages, Practice Sports Center, Mansions, Apartments, Homes, office spaces, Hotels, Health and Wellness Spa, Ferris Wheel, Retail And Dining Centers, A Conference Center, Haunted Attractions, Zoo, Aquarium, Recording Studios, Film Studios, 75 Screen 4DX Cinema, A Mega Mall, A Obama Presidential Museum, ESports Arena, Stores, and

International Competition in Architecture 2019

The prizes of the Jacques Rougerie Foundation – Institut de France, are given in order to offer architects, designers, engineers, and urban planners a unique opportunity to propose innovative, audacious, and disruptive projects. Those architectural projects, based on emerging technologies, a prospective vision and interdisciplinary competences – science, sociology, climatology, geography, etc. – should elucidate current and future environmental issues. Projects must as well be mindful of the ethics of sustainability and contribute to the integration of the sea nd space in our societies: innovating materials, advanced techniques, and fundamental progress in terms of conception and building, energy saving,

Bauhaus Neue – Framing future of design education


There are moments in history when a confluence of ideas, people, and broader cultural and technological forces creates a spark. Sometimes the spark amounts to nothing more than a flicker. But if conditions are right, it can erupt into a dazzling, brilliant light that, while burning for only a brief moment, changes the world around it.

The Bauhaus was one of these – a place that despite the economic turmoil and cultural conservatism of the world around it, offered a truly radical, international and optimistic vision of the future. The origins of the Bauhaus lie in the late 19th century, in

24h competition 31st edition - babel

Ideasforward wants to give young creative people from around the world the opportunity to express new ideas of future societies through theirinnovative and visionary proposals.
We are an experimental platform seeking progressive ideas that reflect on emerging themes.
We want to break mental borders and put all the visions on the table.
Here, you can try an experiment, everything is possible!

A place where the time limit is used to stimulate your creativity.
This competition aims to present architectural answers in 24h to, social problems, humanitarian causes, or utopian themes of contemporary societies. It wants to put the creative minds

Open international competition for the development of a master plan for the Derbent urban district, Republic of Dagestan (Russia)

Competition is a part of a program for the development of one of the oldest towns in Russian Federation — Derbent. The master plan developed by the competitors will be an important document, which will determine the direction of socio-economic and geographical development of Derbent in the medium term. Its implementation will support Derbent’s internal transformation, the integration of the town with global processes, and an improvement in the efficiency of the use of the town’s resources. Competitors will also need to develop a concept for the development of the central public space of Derbent, the town’s embankment, which runs

2019 Taipei International Design Award

【Final Call】

2019 Taipei International Design Award call for entries. Open until 18 July, 2019

We sincerely invite you to participate. Do not miss this opportunity.

Three categories: Industrial Design, Visual Communication Design, Public Space Design

No Entry fees

With no quantities limitation , a group maximum for 5 people

Total Prize:NT$3,800,000 (Approximately USD$122,580, subject to exchange rate)
Three simple steps to submit your works : Online registration >>>> Write down the introduction of works>>>> uploading photos of your works

For further information please refer to below links:
*Taipei International Design Award Official Website: https://www.taipeidaward.taipei/rwden/
*Competition Details: https://www.taipeidaward.taipei/rwden/explain0.aspx

Call for Extended Abstract and Poster Submissions - Responsive Cities Symposium: Disrupting Through Circular Design

Responsive Cities is a bi-annual international symposium on the future of cities organized by the Advanced Architecture Group of IAAC. The 2019 edition focuses on “Disrupting through Circular Design” within the framework of the Creative Food Cycles (CFC) project, co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union and developed by the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia, the Leibniz University of Hannover and the University of Genoa.

Call for Papers: Panteon #1 - Billboards

The topic of the call is "Billboards”

Panteon is an anachronistic venture: anachronistic is the content, anachronistic is the product, anachronistic is its use.

The protagonist is the architecture of the city of Rome, all built between 1911 and 1989 within the GRA, our contemporary city wall, whose analogies are arbitrary and questionable.

Panteon aims to be a platform for architectural debate using the city of Rome as a pretext, as an infinite warehouse from which to draw answers to a potentially infinite number of questions.

Open Call: Creative Competition for the development of “The Architectural and Urban Concept of the Sutoloka River Delta Eco-Regeneration”

Eco-Shore 2019

The Union of Moscow architects invites you to participate in the Russian competition with international participation which designed to develop the architectural concept of an eco-regeneration of the Sutoloka river.

The competition will be held in the framework of the 9th international festival Eco-Shore 2019. All submitted projects will be exhibited from 22 to 24 August 2019 in Ufa`s art-space Art-KVADRAT.

The major tasks that should be solved by the participants of the competition are the creation of a comfortable coastal zone, equally attractive for walking and for the placement of river infrastructure, the development of a new urban center of gravity, organically inscribed in the existing environment.

ArchDaily & Strelka Award

ArchDaily, Strelka KB and Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design announce an open call for a joint award to celebrate emerging architects and new ideas that transform contemporary cities. Apply before July 10.

Laka Competition 2020: ‘Architecture that Reacts’

The subject of the competition is architectural, urban, technological, or product design that is capable of dynamic interaction with its social, natural, or built surroundings. The main focus of the competition is on solutions developed through a process of changes and adjustments. Achieving such a goal requires an interdisciplinary approach that often goes beyond typical solutions. The winning projects from the previous editions often took advantages from disciplines such as robotics, mechanics, digital fabrication, biodesign and biofabrication, computational design, materials science, bioarchitecture, social sciences, industrial design, mobility, and more. The participants are free to decide the project’s location, scale, size, and program. In 2019, the Laka Competition ‘Architecture that Reacts’ celebrates its fifth edition!

Design that Educates Awards 2020

The ‘Design that Educates Awards’ (DtEA) recognize, showcase, and promote globally the best ideas and implementations of architecture and design that can educate. The design itself may provide an informative and educational layer that guides us through the increasing complexity of our environment. It can showcase specific possibilities and challenges, explain sociocultural factors and influences, or even outline new scenarios for future development. Each year, the esteemed panel of judges selects the outstanding ideas and implementations in the categories of architectural design, product design, universal design, and responsive design.

Call for Submissions: Sport Citadel

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YAC - Young Architects Competitions launches “Sport Citadel”, a competition of ideas aiming to design a sport citadel near Turin, in one of the largest sport districts in Europe. A cash prize of € 20,000 will be awarded to winners selected by a well-renowned jury made of, among the others,​ Dang Qun (MAD Architects), Hitoshi Abe, Peter Eisenman, Andrea Maffei.


The subject of the competition is the architectural design of the building of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (UL FS) in the area marked EUP RD 358, within the framework of the University Center Brdo (OPPN 65). The area under consideration is located in the western part of the city of Ljubljana, at the northern foot of Rožnik hill, which ends on the west side of the Trail of Remembrance and Comradeship (PST). The building of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering is placed in a narrower area determined on the basis of a preliminary urban competition for


The subject of the competition is the architectural design of the building of the Faculty of Pharmacy (UL FFA) in the area marked EUP RD 358, within the framework of the University Center Brdo (OPPN 65). The area under consideration is located in the western part of the city of Ljubljana, at the northern foot of Rožnik hill, which ends on the west side of the Trail of Remembrance and Comradeship (PST). The building of the faculty is placed in a narrower area determined on the basis of a preliminary urban competition for the building of the

Switching Prisons - Rethinking correctional facilities in context of tomorrow


The definition of crime is culturally subjective. This subjectivity used to help us define law and punishment in a more rational manner in the past. Today, this subjectivity placed against pacing time and increasing globalization is not easy to rationalize anymore.

We see this in many walks of life where assets like gold which used to be the driving force of an economy. Where trade and even countries were valued based on how much gold reserves they had in the past. In today’s context, trade depends on technology and the currency here is information. The millions of gigabytes of data that

Less is MOji – REboot the City

Contents of the competition
The NPO Asian Institute of Low Carbon Design (AILCD) is pleased to invite students from all over the world to take part in the 9th AILCD International Student Design Competition.
The theme of this year is “Less is MOji – REboot the City”.
The competition addresses the problem of urban shrinkage in the Mojiko area in Kitakyushu. The competition asks the students to re-design the urban landscape and to make a proposal for a low carbon urban project within this area. Urban shrinkage should be considered as a real problem for targeted area and the city of Kitakyushu.

Competition Site

Open Call: Central Park Book Studio

Books undisputedly play an unparalleled role in shaping the destinies of both individuals and societies alike and nothing guides man more effectively than books. However, it is a sad reflection that amongst other positive social values the culture of reading has also persistently been declining across the world. Libraries were the ‘cool’ places of our cultural fabric until the modern age. But with the invention of internet and an onslaught of digital revolution, libraries and reading spaces lost their essence and aura. To revive the diminishing reading culture what we immediately need is to re-interpret the image of a reading

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