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Architecture Competitions

PLAT Journal 9.0 Call for Submissions


Context: In our present moment, the incessant production of culture and knowledge imparts an important task to the notion of commitment. Knowledge and culture are produced in excess in institutions and popular culture, making it the impossible task of critics and scholars to sift through endless amounts of cultural material and make value judgements. Partly a consequence and a cause of a shift in thinking that began in the 1960s and 1970s, a phenomenon that could be called a democratization of production (of narratives, images, cultures) has had some positive effects for the civil rights movements,

Open Сall for Lety u Písku Holocaust Memorial Competition Entries

On 14th October 2019 the Czech Museum of Romani Culture in cooperation with the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic and ONplan, the competition organizer, announced a landscape and architectural competition for a memorial to the Roma and Sinti Holocaust victims in Bohemia. The memorial is to be set in Lety u Písku, a village where during World War Two a so-called Gypsy Camp was built, a forced labour facility for Bohemian Roma and Sinti before their transport to Auschwitz.

The open call international competition will be held in two rounds. The submission deadline of the first round is

Open Calls: Concéntrico 06, International Architecture and Design Festival

Concéntrico, the Logroño (Spain) International Architecture and Design Festival, seeks to reflect on the urban environment and the city through different formats of architectural and design projects. Next year’s edition, Concéntrico 06, will take place from April 29 to May 3, 2020.

The Festival invites you to explore the city through installations, exhibitions, discussions, activities and performances, creating a connection between places, squares, streets, terraces and hidden spaces that usually go unnoticed. Each installation is created by teams of architects and/or designers who propose, experiment and explore new fields of environmental design. In this way, a dialogue is established between heritage

Open Call: Un-School Copenhagen

The world is facing a huge learning crisis. Education systems have become so generic and systemic that it doesn’t provide personal, innovative and optimized care to its pupils. While countries have significantly increased access to education, being in school isn’t the same thing as learning. Worldwide, hundreds of millions of children reach young adulthood without even the most basic skills like calculating the correct change from a transaction, reading a doctor’s instructions, or understanding a bus schedule—let alone building a fulfilling career or educating their children.

Education is at the center of building human capital. Delivered well, education – along with

Legendary Bird Home 2020

The LEGENDARY BIRD HOME 2020 competition is the first in a planned series of competitions looking to raise awareness for the global environmental crisis. This competition will be a collaboration with Birdly - a socially-responsible startup that aims to support environmental activism worldwide through funds raised by selling bird homes.

Participants are tasked with presenting innovative and attention-grabbing designs for a legendary bird house that can be built at home, using materials and building methods that are both environmentally sustainable and easily available.

Each project will need to include details of the building method and the materials to be used, ensuring that

Hourglass - Time's Running Out


After 200-300,000 years of our presence on the planet, we have evolved and raced ahead of other species in no time. In an inevitable evolution to survive and thrive, humans (homo sapiens) have come to the age of advanced technology and lifestyle. In this trail of the progress we have caused the past century’s warming of the earth, by releasing gases that trap heat energy in the atmosphere. These gases, known as greenhouse gases are now at their highest levels than they have been in the past 800,000 years. These greenhouse gases cause a rise in the Earth’s overall temperature

Trees Trees Trees! Design Competition

As you may know, things aren't going too well for mother earth. With challenges like deforestation, fires, pollution, and even methane from cows we are facing an uphill battle against climate change.

One of the simplest, and possibly most effective, methods to reverse the damage is to plant trees, billions of them. According to the respected Science Journal, "The restoration of forested land at a global scale could help capture atmospheric carbon and mitigate climate change."

This is no easy task and will require hundreds of millions of people to plant trees in their front yards, backyards, patios, open land, businesses, cities,

McGill College: An Avenue Reinvented International Multidisciplinary Urban Design Competition

The Ville de Montréal is launching an international multidisciplinary urban design competition for the development of Place de l’Avenue McGill College.

This public square will be created by pedestrianizing Avenue McGill College over its full length, comprising four sections, from Rue Cathcart to Rue Sherbrooke Ouest.

Winter World Campus Masters Selective Graduation Design Program 2019

World Campus Masters Selective Graduation Design Program (short for "WCM Program”) is launched by an international design competition platform Young Bird Plan, and it is committed to recognizing the fresh blood of contemporary design through evaluating graduation designs from global young designers in different regions and cultures. It encourages original design and design thinking in campus to conduct a positive dialogue with global design industry and industrial development, bringing young designers and their graduation works to one of the world's most influential design platform and the cutting-edge design ecosystem.

Designers who graduated between 2015 and 2019 and major in Architecture, Urban

Kiribati Floating Houses: an Architectural call to face the Climate Change Challenge

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​YAC - Young Architects Competitions and Cantiere delle Marche launch “Kiribati Floating Houses”, a competition of ideas aiming to design floating structures to tackle the challenges of the rise in ocean levels and climate change. A cash prize of € 15,000 will be awarded to winners. In addition, some projects will be selected to be part of an exhibition at Santa Maria della Vita in Bologna and some other projects will be selected to be part of an exhibition about the ocean exploration held by National Geographic at Palazzo Blu in Pisa. selected by a well-renowned jury made of, among the others,​ Kengo Kuma, Moon Hoon, Rocco Yim, Cristiana Favretto (Studiomobile), Simon Frommenwiler (HHF Architects), Fabio Roversi Monaco (Genus Bononiae), Giuseppe Zampieri (David Chipperfield Architects).

Call for Submissions: 2019 Wood Design & Building Awards

The Wood Design & Building Awards program recognizes design teams that are passionate about celebrating wood as a safe, strong and sophisticated building material.

Call for Submissions: 2019 Wood Design & Building Awards - Image 1 of 4Call for Submissions: 2019 Wood Design & Building Awards - Image 2 of 4Call for Submissions: 2019 Wood Design & Building Awards - Image 3 of 4Call for Submissions: 2019 Wood Design & Building Awards - Image 4 of 4Call for Submissions: 2019 Wood Design & Building Awards - More Images+ 13

Call for Entries: Design "Industrial Steam-Punk" Penthouse Pad

THE HALYARD is pleased to announce an international design competition to design the finishing touches and interior items for the Owners Suite. The aim of the competition is to provide a unique concept showcasing “Industrial Steam Punk” for the Owners Suite. The Owners Suite is a double storey penthouse situated on the 24 and 25 Floors of the newly completed building known as “The Halyard".

The Avery Review Essay Prize 2020

The Avery Review, a journal of critical essays on architecture published by the Office of Publications at Columbia University’s Graduate School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation, invites submissions for its third annual Essay Prize. The call is open to current students (undergraduate and masters) and recent graduates, whether in schools of architecture or elsewhere (eligibility details below). In keeping with the mission of the journal, we hope to receive submissions that use the genres of the review and the critical essay to explore some of the urgent questions animating the field of architecture. We’re looking for essays that test and expand the author’s own intellectual commitments—theoretical, architectural, and political—through the work of others.

The Forge Prize Call for Entries: 2020 AISC Vision in Steel for Architectural Excellence and Speed

The Forge Prize recognizes innovation in the use of steel and how it can be used to reduce design and construction time. Established by the American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC), the prize invites emerging architects to submit proposals for visionary designs that embrace steel as the primary structural component to increase project speed. The Forge Prize is intended to engage emerging architects in developing imaginative solutions that bolster steel as the 21st century building material of choice through a two-stage design challenge, culminating in a public announcement of finalists in Spring 2020.

Top 3 finalists receive $10K. Grand Prize

Salut Paris - Reclaiming the Urban Voids of Paris


Paris, the capital of France has been inhabited since the beginning of 3rd Century BC along the banks of river Seine. It started as the hub of trading center which eventually led to its growth as a metropolis.
By mid-18th Century, it became densely populated with a cityscape that had not changed since the middle ages. Napoleon III hired Hausmann for one of the largest urban transformations. Consequently, he built the first transport network encircling Paris, transforming it from a medieval town to an industrial center of 19th Century.

This railway network, known as Petite Ceinture, initially

Light Shadow

Ideasforward wants to give young creative people from around the world the opportunity to express new ideas of future societies through their innovative and visionary proposals.
We are an experimental platform seeking progressive ideas that reflect on emerging themes.
We want to break mental borders and put all the visions on the table.
Here, you can try an experiment, everything is possible!

A place where the time limit is used to stimulate your creativity.
This competition aims to present architectural answers in 24h to, social problems, humanitarian causes, or utopian themes of contemporary societies. It wants to put the creative

Prima - Micro Architecture Competition

In collaboration with French micro-architecture-studio Atelier 37.2, the Groupe CB is launching PRIMA - a competition open to certain colleges of architecture and design across Europe.

This competition is an invitation to explore micro architecture as a bridge between design, art and architecture - using 3 materials - stone, concrete and steel.
The dead-line is February 28th, 2020.
All informations are available online on the website : www.prima-cb.com

Superscape 2020

Superscape 2020

Population growth, increasing urbanisation and social change pose new challenges for architecture and urban planning. Reflecting these processes of change, Superscape opens a creative space for unconventional ideas meant to deliver new impulses to real-life architectural output and urban development. The biennial prize seeks to encourage innovative and visionary architectural concepts that explore new models of living and strategies for inhabiting an urban context over a broad expanse of 30 years.

Living, Working and Urban Production

Like the earlier industrial revolution, it is now the digital revolution that is influencing social, economic and socio-cultural processes and, hence, making increased demands

Beam Camp Seeks Big Ideas for 2020 Project

Beam Camp is a collaborative building and design summer camp in Strafford, NH that works with kids aged 10-17 to make the seemingly impossible possible. Our award-winning program has been featured in the New York Times, Wired, NPR, and designboom, and offers young people the opportunity to cultivate hands-on skills while exploring innovative thinking, design, problem solving and the creative process.

An intergalactic salvage station struck by a meteor, a solar-powered cinematic riff on a French film from 1902, a 2-story arboreal kaleidoscope: every year, Beam Camp solicits proposals for unique and spectacular large-scale projects that serve as the centerpiece

My Dream Home: Call for Student Entries

Call to all design students! This is the opportunity that you’ve been waiting for! $500 cash prize + website feature, guest blog feature & social media feature for best designs. What do you imagine as your dream home? Registration closing November 30, 2019.

1st Prize – $500 + Certificate + Feature on our guest blog/Website & social media pages

2nd Prize – $300 + Certificate + Feature on our guest blog/Website & social media pages

3rd Prize – $200 + Certificate + Feature on our guest blog/Website & social media pages

10 Honourable Mentions to be published on the official website & guest blog



Dear architects, Do not miss the opportunity to participate in revitalisation of one of the oldest and biggest cinemas in Europe!  THE GREAT CINEMA OF MODERN ZLÍNINTERNATIONAL COMPETITIVE DIALOGUE FOR REVITALISATION OF THE GREAT CINEMA CONSTRUCTED BY BAŤA SHOE COMPANY.The Great cinema in Zlín, designed by architect František Lýdie Gahura and built by the Baťa company in 1933, was the largest cinema in Czechoslovakia, with 2270 seats. The revitalisation of this functionalist social space needs to meet the requirements of the 21st century.This is an opportunity to redesign a building representative of the modern architectural style in Czech Republic. Deadline for registration:  29.10.2019 at

Call for Proposals: 2020 International Garden Festival

Grand-Métis, Canada, 2019-10-08 -
The International Garden Festival, presented at the Jardins de Métis / Reford Gardens in the Gaspésie region of Québec, Canada is preparing its 21st edition and is issuing an international call for proposals to select designers who will create the new temporary gardens that will be presented from June 19, 2020. For its 21st edition, the Festival has chosen Métissages as its theme. Continuing the exploration of new ideas and new realms, the Festival is seeking to connect designers from various fields to favour a crossbreeding of practices and professions.

Métissages has historically had negative connotations.

Rural Tourism Accommodation (RuTA) Vietnam

Arquideas is pleased to inform you of the launch of the new international competition called Rural Tourism Accommodation (RuTA) Vietnam.

This competition is for students and young architects and you could win up to € 6.375 in economic prizes and several free subscriptions to the most internationally renowned architecture magazines.

The objective of the present competition consists in proposing lodging for tourists that come to this rural area of the country looking for the beauty of its landscape. A place where nature and rural world, with the help of the rice terrace fields, play a key role in facilitating rest for

FuturArc Prize 2020

FuturArc Prize 2020 asks how an Asian city might restore a human-nature balance.

1) Pick a city in Asia. This may be the city you live in or one that you are familiar with.
2) Evaluate the loss of natural habitats and ecosystem services.
3) Understand the impact of this loss on the well-being of humans and other species.
4) Propose new elements and networks that will invite Nature back and restore ecosystem services.

This year, you decide the scale and boundary of the intervention. Your proposal can be at the city-scale; it can be a retrofitted neighbourhood; or it can be a prototype for

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