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Architecture Competitions

Parkx - Designing for Driverless Future

Parking spaces are nothing more than a paradox. It’s a parcel of land that’s so vacant but so crucial that it drives how a city is perceived and functions.

It’s a common reality of how building plans are only approved with adequate or surplus units of these vacant spaces. It’s no surprise our cities look like more parking and less of life at any time soon. This shows how parking spaces have Zero function but have a very inflated value associated with them.

But something’s about to that will surely alienate their presence in the coming decades.

Cars are currently operated

International Competition of Ideas for the multifunctional center, Port of Culture, in Mariupol (UA)

Municipality of Mariupol (UA) invites architects, designers and interdisciplinary teams to submit architectural ideas for a new multifunctional center that will be devoted to the subject of migration, a process that has shaped the city throughout the centuries, becoming an integral part of its identity. The Port of Culture will uncover and explore the less known traits of Mariupol city, and contextualize its local history within larger regional and global processes related to migration.

We are looking for bold and authentic architectural idea for the Port of Culture, that will represent the values and the main themes of the new center,

NomadHouse - Future Housing and Workspace Design Competition


We live in a networked society where mobile information and digital connection connect us to anyone, from anywhere at any time. Mankind’s desire to develop more and newer technologies has transformed the way we work tremendously. This has changed people’s socio-spatial relationships. Our person to person relationships has become complex, affording a seamless transition between being physically present and digitally present at all times.

As we witness a shift in people’s lifestyles, the idea of home and the way they live is evolving from personal to more communal. Many apartment buildings with smaller private homes have the provision of bigger community

Weave - Sustainable fashion Hub challenge


Fall in prices, quicker production rates and easier access to fashion (fast fashion) have meant that fashion is now more accessible to the common man than ever before.

Taking a look at Europe, for example, studies have shown that the percentage of clothing bought by a resident of the European Union has increased by 40% in just a few decades, with the current spending average of about $782 per year per capita.

But at what cost?

The clothing and textile industry is the second largest pollutant in the world (following oil) contributing to 10% of global greenhouse gas emissions.

Reasons which

Haven - Habitat for Koalas

Earth’s ecosystem besides resourcing human needs and habituating many culture ethos, is home to a variety of living beings. It is a ground for a complex network of interdependence between plants and animals. The mutually beneficial interactions between them have been paramount in the generation of the Earth’s ecosystem.

But what happens when the foundation of the structure is slowly being ripped off?

Australia is raging with its most unprecedented early fire season, which has reportedly destroyed an area of more than 3.21 hectares as of December 24, 2019. Bushfires raging up the country’s eastern coast have led to deaths

BunkerTecture - Future Housing in a Nuclear Bunker

The paranoia stemming from war, especially nuclear, pandemics and natural disasters is at an all-time high and rising by the day. According to polls commissioned polls conducted by YouGov, 22-23% of people in the UK and US feel that the world would end in their lifetime, or that they would at least see the occurrence of a doomsday level event. Among those, 60% of the people, especially in the US, feel that it would be through a nuclear war. Only a minuscule percentage among these people hope to survive such an event, and even fewer have the means for it.

New Practices New York 2020 Awards - Call for Entries

Call for entries now open for the biennial New Practices New York 2020 Awards

New Practices Committee of the New York AIA Chapter invite you to submit your portfolio to the 8th biennial juried portfolio competition and exhibition known as New Practices New York. The selected winner will have their work showcased in an exhibition at the Center for Architecture, a symposium to discuss their practice, and will hold a lecture series in New York to present their work


Emily Abruzzo, AIA - Principal, Abruzzo Bodziak Architects
Sean Anderson - Associate Curator, Department of Architecture and Design, The Museum of Modern Art
Felix Burrichter

International Art Competition Landscapes

Contemporary Art Room Gallery is proud to announce their 1st “Landscapes” Online Art Competition for the month of January 2020. This is an international competition and artists from around the world are welcome to submit their work. The gallery invites all artists and photographers from around the world to submit ther best best representational and non-representational art related to the Landscapes theme. The Landscapes theme is considered to be any art with interpretation of natural elements such as mountains, hills, valleys, deserts, forests, farmland, trees, rivers, lakes, polar regions, rainforests, islands and tropical landscapes. All visual art mediums are

Architecture of the Apocalypse - Using Space Technology to colonize earth again after Apocalypse

EARTH is a doomed planet and if humans do not act fast, humanity faces going down with the ship, Professor Stephen Hawking warned in his last book.

Hawking predicted that the earth would turn into a giant ball of fire by 2600 and humans would need to colonize another planet or face extinction. However, many possible scenarios of anthropogenic extinction have been proposed; such as human global nuclear annihilation, biological warfare or the release of a pandemic-causing agent, overpopulation, ecological collapse, and climate change.

Whilst there is a notorious race that burst to colonize space and the celestial bodies in it. It

Proximity Island - Architectural Ideas for Repurposing Oil rigs

The oil and oil-gas platforms, more than 8000 present all over the planet until a few decades ago, have gradually been dismantled to free the seas from the strong pollution they cause. The so-called decommissioning process of fixed platforms is usually carried out by removing them entirely from the marine environment in which they are located, bringing them to the ground and then demolishing or disassembling them to sell valuable equipment or, in some cases, revamping the best pieces for later reuse in other fields.

As offshore settlements these kinds of structures, due to their strong visual and evocative impact,

Reborn - Plan for Survival

For centuries, earthquakes have been an inevitable phenomenon that bring destruction and devastation all around the world and we aren’t any more prepared or equipped to deal with them than we used to be. This is a worldwide issue and although some countries like Japan are better prepared with the proper infrastructure to deal with these disasters, still many countries remain that are powerless in the face of these disasters. Countries like Iran, Indonesia and Turkey which are some of the countries that are most prone to earthquakes but don’t have the necessary infrastructure to minimize the damages.
One of the

Leap - Space Habitat Design Competition

We are living at a moment of great promise. Humanity’s breakout into space is underway. Yet success is not inevitable. The Internet or Digital Economy that began in the last two decades, has been on an exponential growth ever since. Falling costs, new technologies, and a new generation of entrepreneurs are charting out a bold era of space development and space economy.

This bound to not only generate untold wealth - but also to make the environment greener. But how?

Space Economy is the commercial utilization of technology in space, and its potential is currently limited to satellite navigation, satellite television and

Co-Life: Co-living for elderly

Population ageing - an increase in the proportion of older people in a population.
As one of the most significant social changes of the 21st century, it is predicted to impact all sectors including labor and financial markets, housing, health care and social protection.

By 2050, the global population aged 60 years or over is expected to double reaching 2.1 billion. Increased life expectancy and decreased fertility rates mean that older populations in developing regions are growing at higher rates when compared to those in developed regions. Estimations project that by 2050, 79 percent of the world’s older population will be

International Competition for Cheongju New Cityhall, S.Korea

1. Promoter
The holding organization for competition is Cheongju City, S. Korea.
The competition is Organized by Korea Institute of Architects.

2. The competition site
-The site for New Cityhall is seated in the general commercial region # 89-1, Bungmun-ro 3 ga, Sangdang-ro, Cheongju City, Chungcheongbuk-do, S. Korea. The area of the site for competition is 28,459 ㎡.
-Total Floor Area : 53,000 ㎡

3. Objectives of Competition
-Since the integration of Cheongju City and Cheongwon County, a regeneration project to restore the core functions of the original city center has been promoted. By linking the project with the new City Hall, which will be


Public Play Space (PPS) is launching a Call for Best Practices for projects and concepts focusing on innovative and creative practices for the co-design of inclusive, cohesive, and sustainable public spaces and cities, through the use of games and digital technologies.

PPS is a project co-funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union, aiming at exploring the development of innovative and creative practices for the co-design of inclusive, cohesive and sustainable public spaces, through the use of games and digital technologies.

This Call is an opportunity to present your project at the European scale! PPS is looking for best practices

Call for Entries: International Tender for the Architectural Design of the First Projects in Shenzhen Park of Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone(Shenzhen- Hong Kong Innovation Integrated Service Center)

Call for Entries: International Tender for the Architectural Design of the First Projects in Shenzhen Park of Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone(Shenzhen- Hong Kong Innovation Integrated Service Center) - Featured Image

This announcement is hereby issued for International Tender for the Architectural Design of the First Projects in Shenzhen Park of Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone (Shenzhen-Hong Kong Innovation Integrated Service Center), and excellent design agencies at home and abroad are invited to join. We desire to solicit the most creative design scheme with the international vision and high standards.

Cinema Box - Designing a platform for film exhibition

A room of audience erupts into a fit of giggles as a comical tramp with a short mustache, wearing a suit and tall hat slips on a banana peel. The couple embrace as the man makes her stand on the railing of the ship, grabs her arms and extends them out. "I'm flying" she says, as people swoon in unison over their romantic harmony and impending tragedy.

Cinema is one of the biggest cultural activities in the world. An art form with biggest influence, budget and widespread connectivity. Inducing emotions and crafting perspective, as it grows to be a visual medium

Monte d’Oiro Wine Tasting Room

The Monte d’Oiro Wine Tasting Room competition is part of the Bee Breeders competition series set in Portugal and is a collaboration with Quinta Do Monte D’Oiro, a family wine project located in the Lisbon Wine Region.

Quinta do Monte d’Oiro has been known for its idyllic wine-making conditions since the 17th century, with a privileged terroir, resting on clay-limestone soils and the influence of Atlantic winds. This unique combination has created wines with a great freshness, elegance and balance for years.

For the Monte d’Oiro Wine Tasting Room competition, the family vineyard is looking to create a wine tasting

Urban Design Challenge 2020: Student Ideas Competition for Canada’s Capital

The NCC’s Urban Design Challenge 2020: Student Ideas Competition for Canada’s Capital is now on.

Urban Design Challenge 2020 is a competition that invites students from across the country to come up with design concepts for important sites in Canada’s Capital Region. The competition is organized by the National Capital Commission (NCC), the federal Crown corporation dedicated to ensuring that Canada’s Capital is a dynamic and inspiring source of pride for all Canadians, and building a legacy for generations to come.

The NCC is challenging students to propose innovative planning and design ideas for two important destinations in the Capital Region.

Open Call: Re-materializing Housing Workshop 2020

The Norman Foster Foundation is selecting ten students to be awarded a scholarship for the first edition of the Norman Foster Foundation Re-materializing Housing Workshop, supported by the LafargeHolcim Foundation.

How can we best combine the knowledge learnt from vernacular architecture techniques with the developments of new technologies to design affordable housing solutions?

The Re-materializing Housing Workshop 2020 will take place in Madrid, Spain, from 23 – 27 March 2020. As usual, the Workshop will gather a team of ten scholars, drawn from diverse backgrounds including architecture, arts and humanities, sustainability, technology and materials. The selected scholars will explore the future possibilities

BookMark - A Compact Library Run by the Community

Digital utopia has resulted in a drastic decline in reading culture, as a result public library are at a critical juncture. Due to excessive use of internet and digital devices the number of readers is drastically declining in public libraries. it's not just reading culture that is at stake, as the readers play a more active and involved role in the community, the decline in reading population parallels with a greater retreat from participation in civic, culture and social life.


Libraries have existed since the time people have been keeping records, they are not just a place that is an ocean


Construction + 3000€ + Magazines + Publications

Lan - Rintala Eggertsson Architects + Alventosa Morell arquitectes + elii

7.2%... is the number of Europeans that won’t be in contact, not even once a year, with friends or loved ones. This percentage is even greater in France, 12%. Human beings are meant to interact with one another and that is why there are so many examples of communities throughout our different societies and throughout history.
Solitude is at the root of many different health issues: stroke, myocardial infarction, cancer and depression. Scientific studies have shown that these different diseases are


Aim of the Competition:
On 10 October 2015, Confederation of Progressive Trade Unions of Turkey (CPTUT / DİSK), Confederation of Public Employees’ Trade Unions (CPETU / KESK), Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects (UCTEA / TMMOB) and Turkish Medical Association (TMA / TTB) called a meeting for a Labor, Peace and Democracy in Ankara. Thousands of people across the Turkey met at Ankara Train Station. 103 citizens lost their lives in the two terrorist bombings that materialized right after the march started, hundreds were injured and thousands were stayed alive by minutes only. This attack, the bloodiest terrorist attack

Parasitic Architecture - Not all parasites are predators.

Today, 55% of the world’s population lives in urban areas, a proportion that is expected to increase to 68% by 2050. Projections show that urbanization combined with the overall growth of the world’s population could add another 2.5 billion people to urban areas by 2050.
Living in these densely urbanized pockets is not just ridiculously expensive, but also substandard for average and low economic groups. Moreover, the cost of living increases so rapidly that being at the same pace with it becomes almost impossible for most households, resulting in an abysmal quality of life.

A possible solution can be to smartly increase

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