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Architecture Competitions

Reimagining Museums for Climate Action

Reimagining Museums for Climate Action: An International Design Competition
Reimagining Museums for Climate Action asks designers, architects, academics, artists, poets, philosophers, museum professionals and the public at large to radically (re)imagine and (re)design the museum as an institution, to help bring about more equitable and sustainable futures in the climate change era. The competition aims to explore how museums can help society transform to a low carbon future, adapt to the impacts of climate change, and safeguard ecosystems.
As the world confronts a global pandemic that is impacting on all aspects of social, cultural and economic life, many of the certainties we

Call For Entries: 'Haiku' Writing Competition 2.0

'Haiku' Writing Competition Series 2.0 is the sixth initiative of the Architectural Journalism & Criticism Organization, India founded by architect Pappal Suneja to spread awareness about this subject and sow the seeds of inspiration to explore and write about Architecture and allied fields. As per the curator, Journalism & Critical Appreciation in Architecture should reciprocate to the trending techniques. Our prenominal existence in the moment of time is not merely enough to amount for the utterance of spoken or written of the present. The architectural writings serve as reflections at a future day and it needs to be taken ahead

Prisons Redesigned

Previously, a competition submission by Bee Breeders was posted in this section. It has been removed as it doesn't align with our views of the issue.

Call for Entries: Quarantine Facility Design for Temporary Healthcare Facility

We are living in uncertain times and as citizens of a developing economy, we are posed with an additional challenge of using our resources sparingly so as to ensure minimum impact on our economy.

A vaccine or a permanent solution to the situation may take years to develop. To aid government’s effort, the Architecture fraternity must come up with cost-effective solutions for quarantine facilities that are in compliance with social distancing norms.

In this competition, we ask you to come up with visionary concepts for an isolation ward in a quarantine facility, to help subdue the effects of the outbreak on existing

Call for Entries: The 33rd Space Prize, Warmth in Architecture / Humanity

The 33rd Space Prize for International Students of Architectural Design

Warmth in Architecture: Humanity

Thoughts on the theme
Architecture is about creating space for human beings. The efforts self-evident and no one would doubt would raise a question on its endeavors. But modern architecture is engrossed in its functionality; presenting all its aspects it further gives way to amazing forms and efficiency in lieu of fundamental architectural value. Therefore, criterion for judgement for its success and failure relies on data and eye-opening exterior forms. Architecture slowly become a machine which has no warmth and introspection. No, rather it strives to resemble a machine.

Fundraiser Design Competition: Post Pandemic Performances-Gatherings in the times of Social Distancing

Humankind has witnessed several historic, life-changing episodes such as industrialisation, colonisation and wars, and society has always adapted to such significant milestones fruitfully. Over the years architecture too, has been a witness the very same happenings, and has shaped itself accordingly to suit the times.

While most such events are read and studied about, the ongoing pandemic is a rather unprecedented one.

The future of architecture and the notion of a city too are standing at crossroads. The notion of the city and ‘city-life’ revolves closely around the act of gathering, and the possibilities that come with meeting, living and sharing lives

Open Call: Tubądzin Design Awards

#nature #future #freedom The 3rd edition of Tubądzin Design Awards is an international competition for architects, designers and students. We appreciate your commitment and inspiring ideas. TDA is a chance to unleash the creative potential of architects and designers.
#nature – designing a space that by its nature fits into the ambience is art.
#future – the future is yours! Creating space has an impact not only on the present, but also on the lives of future generations.
#freedom - freedom, for which a creator themselves and their imagination are the limitations. We give you a wide range of possibilities that you can

HomeTown by Archisource - Stay-Home International Drawing Challenge!

‘Only a room away’

HomeTown is a new stay-home international drawing challenge!

A free, open-to-all, collective drawing challenge that aims to create a giant tessellated isometric drawing from creatives around the world!

Draw your insight into staying at home during lockdown and join this international collaboration!

The challenge aims to show how we can remain connected in these unprecedented times and that whilst we’re all ‘only a room away’, regardless of the country or distance apart, we are united by creativity.

Inspired by MC Escher’s incredible isometric drawings we want to collectively build HomeTown, a new virtual city. Using the template provided, we want

International Render Competition 2020

Our first competition celebrating the talent of architecture and design students and young professionals through a single Render.


This competition is not limited to architecture and we very much welcome those from other arts and product design industries.


At SAS we truly believe in the power of digital tools to communicate and represent our ideas and express our creativity, so we are excited to judge an array of innovative and high quality works.


You can submit any Render Drawing be it an Axonometric, Isometric, 3D render, Visualization, Product Design render. It can be related to any domain.



Participants have to submit a single drawing

Melbourne Affordable Housing Challenge

Melbourne is the capital city of Victoria, Australia, and holds the title of the country’s fastest-growing city. Melbourne had a growth rate of 2.7% from 2016 to 2017, seeing an increase of 125,000 citizens. Experts predict that in order to keep up with the growing population, Melbourne will need 1.6 million new homes to be constructed over the next 35 years, with estimates putting the population over five million by 2021, and over eight million by 2050.
This dramatic increase in demand, combined with only incremental increases in supply, has resulted in a massive jump in housing prices, with families being

View from the Window - Photography Challenge

The AIA DC - Urban Design Committee (https://www.aiadc.com/committee/urban-design-committee) has a fun stay at home challenge for everyone. In this challenge, let us look at what is happening outside through the lens of a camera (cell phones make for great cameras). So, open your windows and share your images!

When we take photos, we use all kinds of things to frame our images and get the viewer’s eye to focus where we want it: architectural elements, monuments, cityscape, lighting. You know what can be a great frame? An actual frame — a window frame.

Windows make up an abode, but they are

Call for Submission Covid-19 Gestures : Newrealismo

Is a catalogue of gestures in PNG to make people reflect on and perceive the city and the social spaces from a new point of view.

Starting from the resources familiar to them, Lashup decided to contribute creatively by documenting the experiences of people living the social spaces at the time of a global health emergency.

As the Italian Neorealism represented a narrative of reality in Italy after the Second World War, so the project restarts from this concept expanding it from global "NEW" to local "REALISM", considering the impact of the situation on the whole

Goldreed Industrial Design Award 2020 (1st edition)

GIDA 2020 - Goldreed Industrial Design Award - is the new international design award sponsored by the Xiongan Future Industrial Design Institute, with the aim of promoting at international level the concept of “harmony” applied to design.

Drawing from the scientific-technological progress and from the social changes that are currently happening in our society, GIDA aims at using design as a way to suggest new lifestyles, in order to contribute to the balanced development between human and nature.
The award sets for itself from the very beginning the objective of becoming a major reference in the international design field, by providing a

Architects as Developers Design Competition


Being a successful architect is very hard. While this is no secret to anyone who has lead a team or studied the profession; the less obvious thing is what to do about it.

Architects stereotypically lean on the purity of their ideas over their practicality and application. Schools rarely teach about business and firms are subject to the swings of both the client and the economy. These cracks in the business model of architecture are constantly debated but industry-wide action seems non-existent.

At DesignClass we've been asking ourselves; can architects responded to these challenges by developing their own projects?

Microhome 2020

The second annual MICROHOME architecture competition is part of the Bee Breeders Small Scale Architecture Appreciation Movement, which hopes to highlight the fact that bigger isn’t always better. With great design and innovative thinking, small-scale architecture could change how this and the next generation view residential property.

For the MICROHOME 2020 architecture competition, participants are invited to submit their designs for a micro home - an off-grid modular structure that would accommodate a hypothetical young professional couple (which will be used as an example of family size throughout the competition series). The only requirement is that the structure’s total floor area

The Next 100 Years Project - Architect Edition

With The Next 100 Years Project – Architect Edition, we invite architects to speculate on the built environment after the pandemic. It can be a simple cocktail napkin sketch or an elaborate drawing. It can illustrate the smallest detail or the broadest brush stroke of public or private space. It can be pencil or charcoal or crayon or even watercolor, but it has to be done by hand. We also ask architects to write a 100-word essay that describes their image and their vision for the future. The entries will be judged by a panel of design professionals and the

Call for Submissions : Herewearch Journal Issue #01 : Co -Times

Call for Submissions: Herewearch Journal Issue #01 : Co -Times

Hello all !

//about us

Herewearch is an independent student platform that is shaped by theme of design students sharing. We believe that design is powered by sharing by its nature. We want to take this sharing level one step further and we are pleased to announce that we decided to create an annual publication. This publication will find itself a separate place on our platform and each of our journals will be turned into an online magazine and shared on different platforms. Also, we would like to indicate that we will

Graphisoftlearn BIMProject

Projects should be delivered using ARCHICAD, the industry first BIM software for architects developed by GRAPHISOFT, and its supported 3rd party applications.

Call for Entries: Budapest, Zuglo-Varoskozpont, Master Plan & Function Design Tender



Competition Brief

Budapest, Hungary
7th May 2020

Here You are kindly invited to participate in a competition to provide the Architectural Concept and all associated services described herein as the Concept Designer for Zugló-Városközpont in Budapest, Hungary.

1. Introduction
1.1 The Investor
Investor is the Zugló-Városközpont Ltd. owned as a project company by BAYER CONSTRUCT Zrt. that is a group of companies mainly in Hungarian ownership that offers complex construction and real estate services.
BAYER CONSTRUCT was established in 2002, when the company’s main profile was reinforced concrete construction in Hungary.
As of today, BAYER CONSTRUCT deals with complete construction project implementation, general contracting, building

Call For Submissions: Sustainable Revolution

As reaction to the unprecedented moment that we are all experiencing, Zuecca Projects has decided to launch its first ever Open Call, on the theme of Sustainable Architecture and Design.

The International Call for Submission “Sustainable Revolution” is open to Architecture and Engineering Firms, Designers, Projects and Companies that are forward looking into the future and offering sustainable solutions and possibilities to the New World we will go to inhabit from here on out.

Selected projects and submissions will be included in the exhibition “Sustainable Revolution” organized by Zuecca Projects in Venice, from August 28 to October 30, 2020. Hosted at Squero

Open Call: Essay Writing Competition 2020





1. Entries shall be submitted online to coa.essay2020@gmail.com subsequent to registration, with the subject ‘COA Essay Competition 2020 - Category’ for registration.
Essays must be in English, 1000-1500 words for students’ category and 1500-3000 words for young architects’ category.

2. Each entry can be co-authored by a team of maximum two individuals.

3. Only one entry is allowed per person

4. The competition has two categories – student and young architect

5. Kindly refrain from mentioning your names anywhere in the document.

6. Student of architecture (First year to Fifth

Call for Submissions // Disc*2020 Is Going Remote!

Disc*2020 (Design & Innovation for Sustainable Cities) is a five week summer program for currently enrolled college students that explores an interdisciplinary and multi-scalar approach to design and analysis in the urban environment.

Now, more than ever, there is a need for Resilient Design and Planning in our cities in response to the unprecedented challenges of the global pandemic, climate change, and social inequities. Disc* brings together interdisciplinary students and expert practitioners from around the world to reframe these challenges as opportunities for design innovation.

As we move to remote learning this summer, we will utilize immersive technology including virtual

Call for Submissions // 2020 Summer [IN]SITU: A Virtual Summer Institute in Environmental Design

UC Berkeley's College of Environmental Design is now accepting applications for the 2020 Summer [IN]SITU:  A Virtual Summer Institute in Environmental Design.

The Summer Institute gives participants the opportunity to test their enthusiasm for the material and culture of architecture, landscape architecture and sustainable city planning.

The Institute is geared towards post-baccalaureate participants with no previous experience in design, or experienced designers who wish to explore an aspect of environmental design outside of their primary discipline.

The Institute consists of four cohorts:

[IN]ARCH ADV is an advanced studio for current students or recent alumni of architecture programs. It places emphasis on an iterative process

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