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Architecture Competitions

Call for Entries: International Student Competition MODULARCH 2016

The KOMA Modular company has opened the eighth year of the popular student competition. This year's topic is a design of a multipurpose South Bohemian Philharmonic Orchestra building with a variable hall that should be able to accommodate an audience of up to 1,000 people in combination with an open scene for outdoor concerts with all the necessary amenities for the artists as well as for the audience.

Call for Submissions: Open Air Theatre (Sylvan) for Cherkasy City Park

The theatre was built in 1966-67. Now it is an abandoned municipal building. The theatre needs to be reconstructed/rebuilt taking into account current needs of the Cherkasy community. In summer 2015 our local volunteers team voiced the intention for revitalising Sylvan theatre and started a fundraising campaign. Thanks to the city community we have accumulated funds which will be the prize for this competition winner. We also polled participants of the fundraising campaign to discover their preferences for ways of the money application and for the concept of the future theatre. So Cherkasy citizens vote for the architecture projects competition. Requirements for projects are also based on the poll results.

Open Call: Museum of Contemporary Art Santa Barbara Pavilion Design Competition 2016

MCASB invites proposals for a large-scale, outdoor, traveling pavilion ​to be built and installed at each site of its new public art program, TakePart/MakeArt. As a central feature of TakePart/MakeArt, the mobile pavilion will be a bold and vibrant beacon for MCASB as it travels through three different communities across Santa Barbara County: Isla Vista, the Westside, and the Waterfront.

Open Call: NAPAVILION 2016

A “Pavilion” is a space defined specifically for a non-specific purpose. The specificity is the location and non-specificity is its use. A “Pavilion” is also a prototype of tech-crafted tradition and represents a geo-cultural transformation throughout all cultures.

NAPAVILION challenges this typical ideal of a Pavilion by providing specificity in use and non-specificity or adaptability in site. NAPAVILION is a Pavilion for a nap in any location you choose. This can be within your home, backyard, on a tree, by a tree, on top of a hill, at the foot of a hill, by a river, or floating on a river.

Call for Papers: First International Conference on Urban Physics

The First International Conference on Urban Physics aims to be a founding event for the numerical simulation of cities and megacities, which are facing worldwide critical problems, such as their dual participation - as victims and actors - to the present and upcoming climate changes. The conference will provide an opportunity for scientists from different disciplines (computer graphics, environmental physics, numerical models, renewable energies, urban planning ...) to confront their ideas and methods for the detection and analysis of physical quantities, in order to better manage the development of cities and

Call for Submissions: Radical Innovation Award 2016

The John Hardy Group announces the Radical Innovation Award call for entries and 2016 competition details.

Now in its tenth year, Radical Innovation is an incubator led by top hospitality executives and design minds seeking to challenge the hotel industry and elevate guest experience using progressive thinking in design and operations. The Radical Innovation Award invites contestants to submit their ideas for the next big hotel concept and compete for a grand prize including $10,000 to further their concept, as well as chance to have their idea realized.

CIU HABITAT International Academic Competition

CIU HABITAT invites designers to submit proposals that compete for the solution of three real problems of the Ecuadorian popular habitat. Which are: for item 1, human settlements in mangrove ecosystems in the Gulf of Guayaquil; for item 2, the settlements located in areas of vulnerability and risk in the vicinity of the Tungurahua volcano; and item 3, housing solutions in marginal urban settlements with precarious levels in Guayaquil’s Estero Salado.

Call for Case Studies: Energy and Climate Management in Modern Buildings

The Getty Conservation Institute's Conserving Modern Architecture Initiative (CMAI) is looking for examples for the second in its "Case Studies from the Field" publication series, entitled "Energy and Climate Management in Modern Buildings".

Open Call: Women and Family Complex Facility

Seoul Metropolitan City executes a design contest targeting native and foreign experts in order to construct a women and family complex facility, ‘Space Salim’, at Dongjak-gu Daebang-dong 340-3 and three lots near Dongjak-gu Daebang Station (near Daebang Station exit 2 and 3, total area 8,874.8㎡).

Call for Entries: Only a Box – La Città Nuda (The Naked City)

After the successful past Editions La Città Nuda The Naked City presents, in collaboration with Moso International e TAG Talent Garden Torino, the new international contest focalised on the "architecture in a box". This edition, organized by the Architects Giulia Desogus, Valerio Fogliati and Ambra Seghesio, will take place in Turin, in the neighbourhood Porta Palazzo.

Three Finalists Announced for Tel Aviv University Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Center Design Competition

Three finalists have been selected for the Tel Aviv University Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Center Design Competition.

The competition called for designs to meet scientific needs and establish an identity befitting the local context of the city of Tel Aviv and the University campus. Thus, the three finalists created a balance between technical requirements and soft program elements like office and public space, presenting proposals for a center that acts "as an effective facilitator in the dialogue between modern science, Tel Aviv University, and the general public," according to a press release.

BIG, Lacaton & Vassal and Caruso St. John Among 6 Shortlisted Teams for Museum of London

The Museum of London has announced the six architecture teams that are shortlisted to design a new museum in West Smithfield. The international competition was organized by Malcolm Reading Consultants and has a budget of £130-150 million. The museum will help preserve and regenerate a historic part of London, relaunch the recently popular museum, and protect a series of heritage buildings.

LAMP's 2016 Lighting Design Competition

The Lighting Architecture Movement Project, aka LAMP, is an international juried design challenge open to all ages and creative backgrounds. The theme for the fourth annual competition is “Cosmic” – the best representations of which will be featured in a special exhibition in Vancouver, launching in November.

"It's Liquid Architecture" Design Student Awards 2016

International students are invited to present their architectural and product design projects to have the chance to be featured on It’s LIQUID website, presented in BORDERS 2016, It’s Liquid Art and Architecture Festival and to take part in the first workshop of VAA – Venice Architecture Academy in May 2016, in the same period of the 15th Venice Architecture Biennale.

Call for Participation: Earth Architecture Workshop 2016

LOAD, the eARThouse2016 Designing Team is pleased to announce the Earth Architecture Workshop 2016! We look for volunteers, experts, professionals, students of architecture and landscape to locate the completed unit and blend it with the rural surrounding, interior design to organize the interior spaces, product the furniture and fittings, photography/video arts for a documentary and artists to create works of art to adorn the various spaces.African students are welcome to do their part in the building project. Students can use the opportunity for internship, personal research or thesis.

Call for Entries: 2016 Chart Architecture Competition

CHART is a Nordic art and culture manifestation of the CHART ART FAIR, the leading art fair for contemporary art in the Nordic region. The aim is to build the strongest platform for showing, communicating, and integrating art and culture on an international level. Through creative alliances across art, design, gastronomy, music, performance and architecture, CHART has distinguished itself as an important platform and meeting place for art and culture in the Nordic region attracting 14,000 visitors in 2015. The 4th edition of CHART will take place at Kunsthal Charlottenborg, from Friday, August 26 to Sunday, August 28.

3 Winners Announced in Competition to Design the New Aarhus School of Architecture

 3 Winners Announced in Competition to Design the New Aarhus School of Architecture - Featured Image
Courtesy of Atelier Lorentzen Langkilde

The Danish Building & Property Agency with the Aarhus School of Architecture have announced the three winning teams of the open competition to design the NEW AARCH project. These designs include new buildings for the Aarhus School of Architecture and the development of the surrounding area in Aarhus known as Godsbanearealerne.

Call for Entries: University Island

University Island Competition:

  • Cash prizes: 20.000 €
  • Subject: open architectural competition
  • Target: Designers, Architects, Students, Professionals
  • Location: Venice (Italy)
  • Website: http://yacsrl.jc.neen.it/

A stone’s throw from charming Venice, is the island of Poveglia, a peaceful uninhabited land skimmed by the languishing waters of Venetian Lagoon. Once commercial crossroads and cultural melting pot, since 14th century Poveglia has gradually been abandoned by its inhabitants hosting first a leper hospital and then a geriatric hospital. Today, only a thick vegetation and some ruins live on the island featuring as a perfect setting for the grimmest tales and fantastic rumors.

Almost consigned to oblivion, Poveglia may arise from its ashes becoming a focal point in cultural international life. YAC has launched an architectural competition aiming at urban renewal of this island by transforming it into an excellent university campus. The idea is to create a multi-function facility for sevecral suggestive academic, leisure, sport and cultural activities open to students, citizens and tourists gathering in Venice and its surroundings.

Tokyo Pop Lab Honorable Mention Layers Boxes in a 3D Visualization of Pop Culture

The team of Peter Bus, Tomas Vlasak, Vaclav Petrus, and Petr Bouril has received an honorable mention for their proposal for the Tokyo Pop Lab Competition, which recently announced its winners. The proposal, entitled "At The Crossroads of Ideas," is designed as a “three-dimensional representation of history and development of pop culture.”

Separated into three parts, one below ground, one above ground, and one in-between, the design is interconnected via cylindrical concrete towers, which act as the main structural support of the building.

Prison Puzzle Winners Announced

Prison Puzzle Winners Announced  - Featured Image
1st Prize – (Proto) Prison by Alex Warr and Zach Walters. Image Courtesy of Combo Competitions

The winners of the latest Combo Competitions challenge, Prison Puzzle, have been announced. Based on the idea of utilizing architecture to reduce recidivism—the large number of criminals that relapse into crime and back behind bars—Prison Puzzle sought out proposals for the design of a medium-security prison with a capacity of 500 inmates. The design was to be sited in Arizona, in the United States, where the number of inmates per resident is high above the national average. Each design had to include elemental components like cells, exercise yards, and visiting rooms, and participants were encouraged to explore "how architecture can help in shaping environments that influence behaviors."

International Competitions Conference

The Sixth International Conference on Competitions launches, looking at the concept of experimentation within architectural competitions.

The Sixth International Conference on Competitions (ICC) has launched with support from the RIBA and the UIA and will take place at Leeds Beckett University from 27 to 29 October 2016. This year will be the first time that the ICC is to be held in the UK.

5 Practices Compete to Design Bournemouth Cultural Center

Known for its seven miles of "golden" beaches, the English town of Bournemouth is planning to build a £25 million cultural centre on the country's south coast. The project's organizers, Bournemouth Development Company (BDC) has shortlisted five international practices from 38 interested participants to vie for the commission: Zaha Hadid Architects, Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios, Wilkinson Eyre Architects, Levitt Bernstein Associates and Jestico + Whiles.

Call for Applications: Dutch Design Summer School

Open Set is a two-week thematic program consisting of a series of intensive one or three day workshops, symposiums and film screenings, led by Dutch and international designers, artists and researchers. Our goal is to promote and enhance the social value of design by facilitating debates around the chosen theme from a rich diversity of perspectives, design trends, traditions, and cross-disciplinary cultural practices. The event aims to offer international participants a studio environment where they are inspired to step out of their comfort zone and question the conventional ways of working, experiment with different strategies, techniques, ideas and cross-sector collaborations in order to develop their own practices with confidence.

Call for Submissions: CARTHA ft Bureau A – How to Learn Better

We are happy to launch the first call for papers of the new cycle on the topic The Form of Form – an associated project of the 2016 Lisbon Architecture Triennale. This year CARTHA will change its editorial format to one of guest editing. The first issue, to be published in May, will be edited by Bureau A (Geneva/Lisbon) under the theme How to Learn Better.

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