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How to Store Your Bicycle in Small Spaces?

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Sant Antoni Apartment / CaSa - Colombo and Serboli Architecture. Photo: © Roberto Ruiz

A few years ago, it was more common for the bicycle to be seen as an option for leisure and sport in large Brazilian cities. Currently, in the face of the climate crisis, the price of fuel, and more cyclist-friendly planning (although far from ideal), the bicycle has gained more and more prominence and has become a transport option for the population. However, we know that it is not always easy to find a place to keep it in our homes. Therefore, we present some possibilities.

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Wall Racks

Perhaps the most common solution is to occupy some wall that is left over in your house or apartment and hang it. There are several models of brackets or hooks available on the market, but you can also create something more specific for your place. In this option, the bike is raised, vertically or horizontally, and can even serve as a decorative element in the room. It is worth paying attention to the necessary care so that the wheels do not dirty the walls, so it is essential that there is a calculated distance or the possibility of painting the wall in a darker tone or covering it with some other material.

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Casa Pacheco Leão AL / Atelie de Arquitetura. Photo: © Andre Nazareth

Poles and Shelves

If you have the opportunity to design your own furniture for your home, the design of the shelves can be used to think of spaces to store or support your bicycle, whether integrated into a larger closet or in the form of niches that allow it to be fitted. Another option is to order floor-to-ceiling metal poles that can offer different heights for hanging your bike.

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Apê Oficina / Tribeira. Photo: © Bernardo Moreira

Bike on the Ceiling

Hanging the bike can be a good alternative to free up even more useful space in the house. The simplest way to do this is to put two hooks on the ceiling to hang it upside down by the wheels. In this case, it is necessary to verify that the ceiling is resistant, not just a layer of plaster, to support the necessary weight, and also to evaluate if there is a comfortable height to lift the bike and fit it on the hooks. Another solution that can also be installed in a simple way is a pulley system, or cranes, which makes it possible to lift the bike without much effort. The structure looks like a hanging clothesline: you use fixed and free pulleys with hooks hanging from a nylon rope that passes through hooks fixed on the wall.

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Quatá House / Canoa Arquitetura. Photo: © Manuel Sá

Occupying Spaces

Finally, it is always worth looking for an idle area in the house, such as the corner of a balcony - where it would be necessary to be careful with the weather and ensure that the bike remains protected to avoid future problems - or under stairs, which is usually a difficult space to use.

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Casa RR / Escala Arquitetura. Photo: © MCA Estúdio

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Cite: Delaqua, Victor. "How to Store Your Bicycle in Small Spaces?" [Como guardar a bicicleta em pequenos espaços?] 23 Jun 2022. ArchDaily. (Trans. Simões, Diogo) Accessed 13 Feb 2025. <> ISSN 0719-8884

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