Modern interior living environments’ fine-tuned lightscapes feature a delicate mix of ambient, task, and accent lighting to perfectly balance performance and pleasure. But one area of a home’s visibility that’s still so easily overlooked is the exterior.
Hardwearing and weatherproof exterior light manufacturers like Platek offer many different solutions that bring, function, safety, and security to exterior spaces, including using standing lights as buoy-like waypoints, allowing residents and visitors to find their way in dark and unfamiliar surroundings; projecting lights either in the format of subtle recessed versions or high-powered, cannon-like contraptions that highlight a building’s architectural features like it’s attending a film premiere; and homely, comforting lights that give all the design cues of a warm, cozy living space, only with extra durability for a long life left out in the elements once users retire inside.
Here are six useful reasons why the right combination of exterior lighting is more necessity than luxury.