Ronald Lu & Partners designed a new transit-oriented development (TOD) in Shenzhen, reshaping a former industrial zone near Chiwan Port. The project builds on the firm's extensive experience with green architecture and TODs, proposing a biophilic development that restores nature in the area. Featuring a mixture of residential, business, commercial, and educational facilities, the design is set to become a key urban environment within the Greater Bay Area connecting Guangdong Province, Hong Kong and Macau.

TODs have been a prevalent development strategy in China in recent years, reducing carbon consumption and increasing city dwellers' mobility. The project introduces natural greenery, proposing a 30% green coverage rate, which will help create a cooler microclimate. At the same time, the surrounding hills, previously exploited, would be replanted, and a high-line would articulate the urban space. The multi-level transportation network separates pedestrian flow and car traffic while promoting walkability.

Ronald Lu & Partners has amassed significant expertise in transit-oriented development, having participated in over 45 rail-related projects in Hong Kong. Ronald Lu & Partner has designed a series of projects in China's Greater Bay Area that promote walkable neighbourhoods, reduce traffic congestion and encourage the use of public transport.