Drawing of The Year is an international drawing competition encouraging architecture students all over the world to develope architecture through drawing. The competition that runs for the 9th time is supported by SHL Architects, VOLA and Aarhus School of Architecture and the deadline for submission is 15 NOV.
Drawing Of The Year 2021
For the last 8 years Aarhus School of Architecture has proudly set focus on drawing as an architectural discipline through the international drawing competition for architecture students, Drawing Of The Year. The competition was initiated in 2013 in a collaboration with SHL Architects, Vola, and The Danish Arts Foundation. Every year the number of participants has increased, and so has the quality and the level of the drawings. Internationally acknowledged architects from all over the world have taken part of the jurys and contributed to the high standard and professionalism in the organization of the competition.
Collage – Hand Me a Drawing (II)
This year´s theme is Collage, Hand Me a Drawing (II). After some years focusing on new drawing technologies, digital drawing and mixed media, this year´s competition treasures handmade entries and specifically collage techniques, celebrating the art and skill of a less traditional method, pushing boundaries for representation.
Sketches and drawings are the bones of any architectural design, the DNA of architecture, expressing and combining the interaction between the architect’s mind, eyes and hands. Drawing has always been a practice that differentiated architecture and construction from other disciplines, and great architects have made it an artistic discipline, as well. Every architect has his/her own style, that cannot be taught or copied, only developed and raffined through practice. In the spirit of many great architects of the past, from Palladio and John Soane, Frank Lloyd Wright and Le Corbusier, Lebbeus Woods, Zaha Hadid, to contemporary architects like Ishigami, Kazuyo Sejima, Jeanne Gang, Tatiana Bilbao, and Eva Prats it’s has evolved into a platform of reflection and exploration of how artistic drawing continues to advance the art of architecture today.
This year we twist the drawing and turn towards collage, which is a mix of media, including drawing, paper, photo, or fabric.
What to submit:
The collage can be conceptual, part of a bigger composition, play with scales or put things on the line, representing dream or reality.
All kind of materials, papers, fabric, photo, paint, ink, led, etc could be used.
Entries will be judged on originality and artistic expression, architectural composition, technical skill, and ability to communicate an idea. The collage must be followed by a short text and a title.
Drawing of the year (Call for entries)Type
Competition Announcement (Student Competitions)Website
Submission Deadline
November 15, 2021 11:00 AMPrice