Webinar: "Getting the designer back into the design meeting"

As the AEC industry returns to work, the digital transformation and disruption of the design meeting will be examined to understand how successful or not digital technology is in keeping design teams at the center of design collaboration.


Trezi is inviting the members of the AEC industry to a webinar discussion on:

"Getting the designer back into the design meeting."

On the panel we have:

1. Darren Rizza:
VP - Trezi, VR platform for the AEC industry
with 25+ years of business technology leadership in professional services.

2. Sheena Shook
Director of Business Development at Modulus Consulting,
With 15+ years of industry experience centered on BIM.

3. Gaurav Chopra
Managing Director, FivD
with 18+ years of experience in the AEC industry

and more...


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Cite: "Webinar: "Getting the designer back into the design meeting"" 02 Aug 2021. ArchDaily. Accessed . <https://www.archdaily.com/966051/webinar-getting-the-designer-back-into-the-design-meeting> ISSN 0719-8884

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