A sneak peak of Uncertainty, the highlight of the Spanish Pavilion at the 2021 Biennale of Venice taking place from May 22 to November 21 of this year.
"Uncertainty is a cabinet of curiosities; a wide range of unorthodox objects not found in traditional conceptions of architecture that will lead us to explore new territories," wrote La Biennale on its official Instagram page.

For the team behind Uncertainty, moments of doubt are when limits are pushed and, sometimes, disbanded altogether.
We define certainty as the sure and irrefutable knowledge of something. It defines our realities and draws the boundary between them and the unknown. Certainty represents everything we have learned and established as fact. It requires no reflection or questioning. It replaces the process of rational analysis with that of memorization.
Uncertainty, free from the boundaries drawn by certainty, is an opportunity to reflect on and familiarize with the ever-changing unknowns of life. In many ways, uncertainty influences our sureties, waking them from their idleness and driving their evolution.
The Uncertainty exhibit is a presentation of actions that hybridize and amplify current architectural techniques and allow them to adapt to new societal demands, blurring the boundaries laid by long-established practices and allowing them to evolve.
The exhibit serves as a catalogue of architectural strategies that have been transformed to meet the future needs of housing, not only on a social level but an environmental one as well.
Uncertainty aims to tear down the limits of certainty, test its limits and expand our realities to make them dynamic and adaptable. It visualizes a future in which uncertainty becomes a strategy of design and a tool to transform our social models and processes, dethroning individualism to make way for coexistence. Is uncertainty our only certainty?

Managed by: Spanish Agency for International Cooperation and Development (AECID); Spanish Cultural Action (AC/E); Ministry of Transport, Mobility, and Urban Planning (MITMA)
Curators: Domingo J. González, Sofía Piñero, Andrzej Gwizdala, Fernando Herrera
Collaborators: Atxu Amann, Manuel Blanco, Belén Butragueño, Manuel Feo, Marta García, Jorge Gorostiza, Mario Hidrobo, Francisco Leiva, María Isabel Navarro, N’Undo, Juan Manuel Palerm, Gonzalo Pardo, Sergio Pardo, Ángela Ruiz, Pedro Torrijos, David Reyes, Julia Zasada, Melián Estudio, Banda Bisagra, Grace Morales, Lavernia & Cienfuegos
Participants: Carmen Moreno Álvarez; Sebastián Arquitectos (Sergio Sebastián Franco); Baum arquitectura (Marta Barrera Altemir, Javier Caro Domínguez, Miguel Gentil Fernández); Joan Margarit; Recetas Urbanas (Santiago Cirugeda, Alice Attout); Laura Muñoz González; Ana Mombiedro; Sara San Gregorio; Alicia Gutiérrez; Cuac arquitectura + Sugar Platform (Tomás García Píriz, Javier Castellano Pulido, Julien Fajardo, Christophe Beauvez); Paisaje Transversal (Jon Aguirre, Guillermo Acero, Jorge Arévalo, Pilar Díaz, Iñaki Romero); Milena Villalba Montoya; Santiago Hernández Puig; Chenta Tsai Tseng; Sawu Studio (Aylín Vera Ramos, Pablo García Mena); CREUSeCARRASCO (Juan Creus Andrade, Covadonga Carrasco López); Contextos de arquitectura y urbanismo (Óscar Miguel Ares Álvarez, Javier Palomero Alonso, Bárbara Arranz González, Felipe M. Pou Chapa, Carmen Gimeno Sanz, Eduardo Rodríguez Gallego, Judit Sigüenza González, Luis Matas Royo, Sergio Alonso Alonso, Jesús J. Ruiz, Dorota Tokarska); Miguel Arraiz García; David Moreno Terrón; GARCÍAGERMÁN Arquitectos (Jacobo García-Germán Vázquez, Raquel Díaz de la Campa Arias, Miguel López Ruiz, Marta Roldán Zahonero); Araceli Calero Castro; Macarena Castillo Párraga; Rosa Gallardo Parralo; PEZ[estudio] (Maé Durant Vidal, Elisa de los Reyes García López, Japi Contonente, Blanca Villar, Viviana Peña); Nomad Garden (Sergio Rodríguez Estévez, María Salas Mendoza, Francisco José Pazos García); Antropoloops (Rubén Alonso Mallén, Esperanza Moreno Cruz); Datrik Intelligence (David Solís Martín, Juan Galán Páez); John Porral Soldevilla; Sergi Hernández Carretero; Hyperstudio (Diego Iglesias Gómez, Cristóbal Baños Hernández); IAAC (Areti Markopoulou, Marco Ingrassia, Aurel Richard, Angelos Chronis, Raquel Villodrés, Starsk Lara, Diego Pajarito, Alexandre Dubor, Edouard Cabay, Kunaljit Chadha, Mathilde Marengo, Chiara Farinea, Mohamad El Atab, Federica Ciccone, Sotiria Sarri); Animali Domestici (Alicia Lazzaroni, Antonio Bernacchi); Natoural Group (Carlos Timoner, Juan Francisco Sánchez, Juan Antonio García, Pedro Milanés, Javier Torres); Alejandro Cantera López; María José Marcos Torró; Fablab Alicante; Fablab Laboratorio de Artesanía Digital [L.A.D.]; Airlab (Carlos Bañón, Félix Raspall); Quatre Caps (Bernat Ivars, Dídac Sendra, Juan Suay, Miguel Tomás); Pareid (Hadin Charbel, Déborah López); Alberto Pérez de Lucas; Arquimaña (Iñaki Albistur Martín, Raquel M. Ares Joana)