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Brooks + Scarpa Reveals Proposal for Miami’s Aquatic Center and Park


Brooks + Scarpa along with PCL and BEA, design/build team is one of three finalists selected for a new community mixed-use complex. Located in the heart of Miami Beach, just one block west of the beach, the structure that replaces a municipal surface parking lot, will include pools, libraries, retail, a community center, and a 3-acre park. Designed as a resiliency hub, the building can accommodate future residential and office use when less parking is needed.

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Brooks + Scarpa has imagined Miami’s beach aquatic center and park. Part of international competition, the proposal generates a mixed-use parking structure is in the heart of Miami Beach, including a 50-meter competition pool, a 25-meter multi-purpose pool, a 7500 square feet branch library, 10, 000 square feet of retail, a teen center, fitness center among others. Located in an emerging town center core that is reinvesting in a walkable and livable district, the project puts in place a 3-acre park.

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Courtesy of Brooks + Scarpa
Brooks + Scarpa Reveals Proposal for Miami’s Aquatic Center and Park - Image 10 of 25
Courtesy of Brooks + Scarpa

Serving as an urban living room for the North Beach district of Miami Beach, The 72nd Street Community Complex is designed to function as a social and ecological condenser to anchor a community space, in the North Beach district. In fact, this sort of “Community Living Room” approach provides a central gathering space, serving as a community lounge, active recreation hub, social gathering place, parking, and resilient/adaptive infrastructure.

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Courtesy of Brooks + Scarpa
Brooks + Scarpa Reveals Proposal for Miami’s Aquatic Center and Park - Image 6 of 25
Courtesy of Brooks + Scarpa

Encouraging future interventions in the area, the proposal is designed to accommodate future residential and office use when less parking is needed.

Info via Brooks + Scarpa

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Cite: Christele Harrouk. "Brooks + Scarpa Reveals Proposal for Miami’s Aquatic Center and Park" 01 Mar 2021. ArchDaily. Accessed 16 Feb 2025. <> ISSN 0719-8884

Courtesy of Brooks + Scarpa

Brooks + Scarpa事务所公开迈阿密水上运动中心设计方案

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