Perkins&Will and the American Institute of Architects (AIA) have released a handbook for best practices to create and implement comprehensive diversity programs for U.S. firms. Entitled “Creating a Culture of Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Your Architectural Practice,” authors Gabrielle Bullock, FAIA and Bill Schmalz, FAIA outline how firms must uphold J.E.D.I. principles now and into the future.

The handbook is a primer for firms to remain "relevant to clients, attractive to talent, and competitive in an increasingly diverse world." Building social and cultural competency, it calls for the urgent establishment of J.E.D.I. programs within every U.S. firm. “Our industry and society are facing an unprecedented convergence of crises. Economic, health, environmental, social, and racial justice challenges have presented us not just with an opportunity, but also a responsibility, to address them,” says Bullock, who has served as director of global diversity at Perkins&Will since 2013. “We can elevate the industry by challenging the status quo and reimagining the future by looking through the J.E.D.I. lens.”

The authors outline seven steps to effect positive change at both the educational and professional levels. “The profession is long overdue in addressing these topics,” says Schmalz, a member of the Perkins&Will LGBTQ+ affinity group in Los Angeles. “We are hoping this paper gives firms a process and the tools they can use to achieve success in creating a culture of justice, equity, diversity and inclusion.”

“Human society is complex, multicolored, and multicultural. Architecture firms must reflect this truism, authentically, in everything they do,” says Bullock. “Not only does their future success depend on it; the future health and well-being of entire generations depend on it, too.”
News via Perkins&Will