Design Disruption Episode 6: Design and the Just City with Toni Griffin

The COVID-19 Pandemic is a disruptive moment for our world, and it’s poised to spur transformative shifts in design, from how we experience our homes and offices to the plans of our cities. The webcast series Design Disruption explores these shifts—and addresses issues like climate change, inequality, and the housing crisis— through chats with visionaries like architects, designers, planners, and thinkers; putting forward creative solutions and reimagining the future of the built environment.

Design Disruption's episode 6 will focus on Design and the Just City. Our guest will be Toni Griffin, professor of Urban Planning at the Harvard Graduate School of Design. At Harvard Griffin founded the Just City Lab, which investigates how design and planning contribute to conditions of justice in cities, neighborhoods and the public realm. The lab has produced, among other tools, the Just City Index, which incorporates research and crowdsourced input to define areas’ livability and sustainability.

Griffin also founded urbanAC, a New York-based planning and design practice that works with public, private, and nonprofit partnerships to rethink and rebuild just cities and communities. urbanAC has worked on projects in Detroit, Philadelphia, St. Louis, Pittsburgh, and Memphis, developing strategies to improve well-being, provide opportunities, build community and promote inclusivity. Images of Griffin and her work can be found here.

The series is co-hosted by New York-based architectural writer Sam Lubell, who has written ten books about architecture, and contributes regularly to the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, Wallpaper, Dwell, and Architectural Digest; and Bangalore-based Social Entrepreneur Prathima Manohar, a contributor to The Times of India and founder of think do tank The Urban Vision. Our goal is to provide an international perspective, mixing guests from different continents. ArchDaily is the main media partner for this series.

Watch Design Disruption on YouTube and Facebook. RSVP here.

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Cite: ArchDaily Team. "Design Disruption Episode 6: Design and the Just City with Toni Griffin" 11 Nov 2020. ArchDaily. Accessed . <> ISSN 0719-8884

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