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10 Design Wins Competition to Participate in the Redevelopment Plans of the Nanjing Dajiaochang Airport in China


10 Design has revealed images of its winning scheme for China Fortune’s 243,768sqm contemporary mixed-use destination. Part of the redevelopment vision of an old military airport in Nanjing, China, the project puts in place three interconnecting buildings linked by a sunken street, incorporating office, retail, and cultural spaces.

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Located in proximity to the Chinese history museum and a shopping mall, parallel to the remaining original runway, the proposed mixed-use intervention will “echo the past whilst reflecting the future for the city of Nanjing”. Aiming to provide the city with a new landmark, the redevelopment was mainly inspired by the cultural richness of the surrounding landscape. In fact, the project reflects both this history and the future aspirations of the city. 

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© 10 Design
10 Design Wins Competition to Participate in the Redevelopment Plans of the Nanjing Dajiaochang Airport in China - Image 3 of 12
© 10 Design

Jointly led by two Design Partners, Chin Yong Ng, and Lukasz Wawrzenczyk, the project takes on two underground railway stations embedded into the site, with “a central corridor positioned directly on top of one of the railway tracks, providing a feature passageway for commuters to navigate through the three buildings”.  Including a dual façade system, the winning scheme faces the historic runway on a pedestrian scale and the city on another. Moreover, cultural activities will regenerate the runway, creating an attractive public space.

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© 10 Design
10 Design Wins Competition to Participate in the Redevelopment Plans of the Nanjing Dajiaochang Airport in China - Image 11 of 12
© 10 Design

While connectivity is one of the key design drivers, the initial scheme also promotes sustainable initiatives. The plan features a water plaza that collects water, a solar energy production area on the roof which generates energy to cool the building during the summer, and a green environment so that plants can introduce purified air. Natural light is provided by the addition of central skylights with hallmark trees, and atop of each building, a “fully accessible rooftop garden connects the lower floors with the outdoor space, blurring the distinction between interior and exterior throughout the mixed-use destination”.

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© 10 Design
10 Design Wins Competition to Participate in the Redevelopment Plans of the Nanjing Dajiaochang Airport in China - Image 12 of 12
© 10 Design

Nanjing Dajiaochang Airport Mixed-Use Development

  • Location: Nanjing, China
  • Client: China Fortune
  • Scope by 10 Design: Architecture, Masterplanning, CGI
  • Type: Retail, Office, Culture & Civic, TOD
  • Site Area: 81,256sqm
  • GFA (above ground): 243,768sqm
  • Status: Winner of International Design Competition
  • Design Partners: Chin Yong Ng, Lukasz Wawrzenczyk
  • Project Leaders: Jin Chen, Tem Wu, Ren Wen
  • Architecture: Almudena Lacruz, Xue Ai, Anthony Kan, Mujung Kang, Stephanie Mendoza, Luke O'Callaghan, Fisher Yu, Leo Liu, Jan Tang, Julius Zhu, Mary Ma, Melody Lam
  • CGI: Peter Alsterholm, Yasser Salomon, Henry Han, Adisak Yavilas, Lulu Guo

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Cite: Christele Harrouk. "10 Design Wins Competition to Participate in the Redevelopment Plans of the Nanjing Dajiaochang Airport in China" 07 Sep 2020. ArchDaily. Accessed 23 Feb 2025. <> ISSN 0719-8884

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