FCBStudios has unveiled the second phase of a regeneration plan for North Hayle Harbour. Drawing inspiration from the historic coastal Cornish town, the design includes 377 homes alongside extensive community facilities. The project teams to establish a location that will become a residential, visitor, business and cultural destination.

Working together with Sennybridge, the team's regenerated harbor plan will form part of the wider community for new and existing residents and visitors. A filmhouse and art gallery will be the focal point for a creative community of workshops to bring activity to the waterfront. In addition, there will be a water sports center and plans for waterside and harbor improvements.
Matt Williams, Associate at FCBStudios said “We have been involved in the regeneration of this significant brownfield site for 10 years and have had the unique opportunity to shape the vision for the port. Located within the UNESCO World Heritage Cornwall and West Devon Mining landscape, Hayle has exceptional beauty, inspirational history and a community, engaged with its future – all of which has helped to influence the emerging designs. With the construction work of our first phase fully underway, this next phase will deliver the facilities and housing that will support the continued economic and community success of the town.”

The proposed 377 homes and hotel are embedded within landscape that will take advantage of the mild microclimates in Cornwall. Public spaces and gardens between clusters of homes will work with the topography, as well as extensive walking and cycling routes linking into existing local routes. The proposals draw their character from the vernacular of Cornish dwellings and industry.

Simon Wright, CEO of Sennybridge, said: "From the outset our clear aim is to deliver a project which greatly enhances the local area and its economy, brings benefits to the local community, protects and promotes its heritage and puts Hayle Harbour on the map as a desirable destination. At the heart of these proposal is a commitment to quality of design, support for local marine industries and water users, promoting a busy and successful working harbor and creating a bustling and lively waterside quarter which is open to the community and visitors year-round."
The team submitted plans to Cornwall Council for a £200m mixed use development in the seaside town of Hayle to deliver housing, community and commercial space. Construction work started earlier this year on phase one of the FCBStudios masterplan to develop quayside homes, shops, restaurants and public space.
News via FCBStudios