This talk with designer Tom Lloyd of Pearson Lloyd and architect Louise Grassov of Schulze+Grassov, will look at the how urban design and architecture affect the way we live and move around our cities. With a presentation by both and an opportunity for questions, this talk will delve into how these two practitioners’ feel that lockdown and Covid 19 will influence the way they view their practice.
This talk cannot ignore the outbreak of recent protest and unsettled behaviour. Urban spaces were challenged and anxiety filled the spaces we normally think of as the arena for the ‘more or less’ happy urban life and urban commerce. How can design make safe space and give back to the user.
Louise is designing the open spaces of the Design District on the Greenwich Peninsula including a central square for the public and four co-working yards for the creative businesses. Their multidisciplinary methodology aims to create vibrant, socially connected and active urban places.
Tom’s 1:1 benches have been a constant feature at all NOW Gallery and Greenwich Peninsula outdoor events. His thinking and making approach, included airline interior design, wayfinding and designing objects you want to have in your home or office. These creatives both have a strong sense of how with thoughtful, considered design can make a difference to our lives.
The Zoom link will be sent 30 minutes prior to the talk.
Creating a Safe Space: Jemima Burrill in conversation with Louise Grassov & Tom LloydType
Panel DiscussionOrganizers
July 07, 2020 07:00 PMUntil
July 07, 2020 09:00 PMAddress