Postcards from Quarantine is a series of illustrations by Alvaro Palma y Alvaro Bernis inspired by touristic postcards that analyze the purpose of travelling and the desire to share the experience--a topic that has been brought to the forefront in times of quarantine during the COVID-19 outbreak.

... brought about from being closed up in a room, taking in the situation, beginning to realize that we were going to be here for a while and that I would have to cancel a trip with my best friend, with the border closings and all...along with wanting to turn the circumstances around and invent an excuse for the writing to people that we miss...
Greetings from the Bathroom - Relaxation and Privacy

Greetings from the Bed - Groceries, Bad Movies, and much more!

Greetings from the Pantry - Open 24 Hours!

Greetings from the Hallway - Expand your Limits

Greetings from The Kid's Room - Where Chaos Reigns