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3XN and Aspect Studios Design New UNSW Tower in Australia


3XN and Aspect Studios have been selected to design a new mixed-use tower for the University of New South Wales in Sydney. Made with a focus on resilience and environmental sustainability, the project aims to to create a welcoming campus gateway that will serve as a new entrance point to the UNSW campus.

UNSW B22. Image Courtesy of 3XN and Aspect Studios

The design team aims to nurture cross-faculty educational and social interactions. The project is inspired by how architecture shapes behavior, featuringa central staircase, terraced platforms connecting multiple floors, and outdoor spaces. “We are really proud that we won this project,” says Kim Herforth Nielsen Architect MAA, Founder and Creative Director of 3XN. “This is a wonderful opportunity for 3XN to celebrate the internationally-renowned UNSW campus and to contribute to its future success. This is an exciting time for 3XN – we are more international than ever, and the Australian market offers great opportunities for us. With this project, we add our first Australian educational facility to our diverse portfolio in the region."

UNSW B22. Image Courtesy of 3XN and Aspect Studios

Fred Holt, Partner in Charge at the 3XN Sydney office continues, “We want this building to become the heart of the UNSW campus. Our unique design will create diverse learning and working facilities to meet the dynamic needs of UNSW students and staff who will occupy the building.” In selecting 3XN, the university’s management praised, “the overall design vision and integrity” of the design. The building will be located on the north-east edge (Gate 9) of the UNSW main Kensington campus, and will function as a campus entry point. A new light rail station is opening adjacent to the building, and increased traffic flow through the area is anticipated.

UNSW B22. Image Courtesy of 3XN and Aspect Studios

Inside, the project will encompass six distinct teaching & learning environments; common student facilities; event and exhibition space; workplaces; supporting and ancillary facilities; and amenities. “Our concept for this building is really special in that it offers a new learning environment for interdisciplinary collaboration and inspiration. Students will be able to observe and learn from each other in new ways, thanks to the open design concept used throughout,” says Stig Vesterager Gothelf, Architect MAA, Partner in Charge at 3XN in Copenhagen.

News via 3XN

About this author
Cite: Eric Baldwin. "3XN and Aspect Studios Design New UNSW Tower in Australia" 20 Dec 2019. ArchDaily. Accessed 18 Feb 2025. <> ISSN 0719-8884

UNSW B22. Image Courtesy of 3XN and Aspect Studios


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