Follow along during the twelfth edition of the World Architecture Festival through ArchDaily's Live Stream. As the world’s biggest architectural awards program, WAF brings together more than 2,000 architects and designers to Amsterdam for three days of conference programs, awards, and exhibition events from December 4-6. Tune in to our Facebook live streams for a selection of lectures.

We are pleased to partner with the World Architecture Festival to bring you live streaming of the WAF 2019 lectures and keynote addresses. On Wednesday, tune in for lectures from Elizabeth Diller, Sir Peter Cook, Eva Franch i Gilabert and more. Follow us on Instagram at @archdaily to see more updates from our team on the ground. Elizabeth Diller, Founder and Partner at Diller Scofidio + Renfro, will give the closing keynote address at the World Architecture Festival (WAF) on December 6, 2019. She will follow a line-up of over 48 speakers shaping the global architecture agenda over the three-day event.
To see the streams from each day, click here.
December 4
5:00pm- Kim Herforth Nielsen, Co-Founder & Principal, 3XN Architects
6:15pm- Marc Koehler, Principal, Marc Koehler Architects
December 5
10:00am- Ben van Berkel, Founder/Principal Architect UNStudioSir Peter Cook, Architect, Professor & Writer
3:00pm- Eva Franch i Gilabert, Director, AA School
5:00pm- Saskia Sassen, Professor of Sociology, Columbia University, Committee on Global Thought, Columbia University
6:15pm- Massimiliano Fuksas, Co-Founder, Studio Fuksas
December 6
5:40pm- Elizabeth Diller, Partner, Diller Scofidio + Renfro
For more details on the WAF Awards and the festival please visit: www.worldarchitecturefestival.com, @worldarchfest #WAF19