Dwelling (A House) remains the place where we all spent most of the time of our lives and experience architecture, learn connect to it through emotions. A dwelling represents our culture our backgrounds, ownership, safety. A dwelling is a place we all want to return where everyone finds comfort, despite how chaotic our lives are.
From the caves of the beginning of civilization to the smart homes, we are improving the quality of our dwelling’s day by day with the development of various technologies, innovations in artificial intelligence and changes we are seeing in our day to day life.
We at Archue want to understand how the future of dwelling will be for our future generations.
With the rise of many unknowns such as global warming, sandstorms, rising sea level, rise in urban population facing real life challenges in front of all of us to reshape our basic unit of living to deal with these issues.
Given below are approximate guidelines of what a standard house design dictate. Nevertheless, participants are welcome to add spaces as per their design and spatial requirements. Minimum spaces to be covered in the design.
Maximum site area: 5000 Sq.ft
• Living Space
• Master Bed Bedrooms
• Study
• Kitchen W.C & Bath
*Participants submitting old design projects or new design have freedom of site selection, area selection for the spaces, Scale of the building, Proportion of the built form to open space, distribution of interior areas and all the aspects of functionality, are left to participants’ appropriate judgment and discretion.
*Participants can select any site which will be best suited for their Dwelling Design.
Download the information related to this competition here.
The Dwelling 2100Type
Competition Announcement (Ideas)Website
Registration Deadline
January 25, 2020 11:00 PMSubmission Deadline
February 01, 2020 11:30 PMPrice