Every year, France uses 66,600 tons of plant protection pesticides for its agriculture and produces 4.5 million tons of plastics, of which only 22% are recycled. Almost 48,000 deaths are attributed to fine particle pollution and automobile activity, and the planet is still expected to endure. In such grave situations, urban developments have become subject to new ecological criteria that focus on finding biodiverse solutions for both public and private sectors.
In compliance with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Agenda 2030 that aims to find eco-responsible urban solutions, Studio NAB created Car Parks 2.0, an ecological parking space that rethinks commercial parking areas and transforms it into a more sustainable and humane place.

To transform the car park into an ecological site, the design studio converted the sterile coated soils into autonomous green spaces, recycling the asphalt areas into natural terrains that reintroduce biodiversity. Designated areas in the proposed project are transformed into an agri-food sector, giving people the ability to rent or sell gardening spaces to buy and produce “zero-packaging” fruits and vegetables.

The project ensures eco-responsibility by introducing sustainable means throughout the site. The hypermarket and parking are powered by solar panels installed on site. The surplus of energy produced is resold to the neighboring houses, generating an additional income and providing the parking’s neighborhood with sustainable energy. Rainwater is recovered and filtered in natural ground, and the organic waste is recycled.