As architects, we are on an endless journey of discovery, open to new experiences that fuel our creativity. We explore our surroundings and beyond, we travel to expand our views and open our mind, being often exposed to the unexpected. All these experiences are stored in our mental hard drive until the inspiration moment comes, drawing random non-linear connections between them and putting us into a state of divergent thinking, from where new ideas appear.
Even with the advance of VR, the experience of visiting a building cannot be transmitted. No matter how many photos, diagrams, and drawings of a building we study, it doesn’t replace the experience of being in it.
Some of the masters of Architecture didn’t study architecture in a formal way, and it was by traveling that they learned and developed their careers, like the old Grand Tour. Le Corbusier’s journey to the east was fundamental for his understanding of the world, and was present throughout his career. Tadao Ando went to Europe and the USA, doing sketches of western architecture that were part of his self-training.
And this is why we dedicate this month to travel, featuring everything from travel architecture guides to recommendations on where to find inspiration.
We are receiving submissions related to our Monthly Topics. For our next issue, in July, we will be focusing on Resilience. If you’d like to submit ideas, projects, essays or articles, just send us a message.