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Why the EU Membership is Worth it According to Rem Koolhaas and Stephan Petermann


The EU costs you the same as Netflix - is it worth it? Rem Koolhaas thinks so.

As Europe is in the period of its elections and Brexit remains a hot topic of discussion, the Guardian has collaborated with acclaimed architects Rem Koolhaas and Stephan Petermann, and has put together a short video highlighting all the achievements done by the European Union.

In an interview with the Guardian, Koolhaas shared his experiences of living in London and being present at the time it became part of the European Union, a movement that has improved every aspect of the quality of life in the country (even the quality of coffee). The architect expressed his concerns regarding the nation’s political decisions, stating that for almost 25 years, there has been humility in highlighting the positive impact the EU has had on the country and an absence of serious argument for the nation’s best interests. This wouldn’t be the first time that Koolhaas shares his opinions regarding European politics, as it proved to be a much broader topic than just a biased political opinion. As for the future, Koolhaas does not see anything concrete but for the first time in his life, he does not understand what is going on in Britain.

About this author
Cite: Dima Stouhi. "Why the EU Membership is Worth it According to Rem Koolhaas and Stephan Petermann " 25 May 2019. ArchDaily. Accessed 22 Feb 2025. <> ISSN 0719-8884

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