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World Architecture Festival Winner Shares Their Experience of the Event


A month after the event, the various nominees of 2018's World Architecture Festival have returned to their home cities, leaving the fanfare of the year's event in Amsterdam as a memory. But that's not to say it's not left a lasting impact.

The World Architecture Festival is, in many ways, unique among architecture awards programs. Nominees are global (as in many awards programmes) but are expected to attend the event to present and defend their projects in front of a jury. It is a process not dissimilar to that which many young architects experience in school. It also hinges on the notion that architecture is a communal practice, one in which we learn from each other's ideas and experiences, not from images.

In the interview below, a representative of WOHA - the designers of this year's winning project - discusses the value of the World Architecture Festival, noting: " is a platform where we can share ideas. This is for the benefit of the wider community."

About this author
Cite: AD Editorial Team. "World Architecture Festival Winner Shares Their Experience of the Event" 29 Dec 2018. ArchDaily. Accessed 25 Feb 2025. <> ISSN 0719-8884

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