The link between architecture and cinema is unquestionable, as is the magic of seeing a film in a place structured specifically for this contemplative activity. The design requires architectural solutions that not only respond to the distribution of seats and visibility of movie-goers but also to acoustics and lighting.
Various projects published on our site highlight how architects have responded to this challenge in innovative ways. Below, stunning 10 movie theaters with their plans and drawings.
Cineteca Nacional Siglo XXI / Rojkind Arquitectos

Delphi LUX Cinema / Batek Architekten + Ester Bruzkus Architekten

Kineforum / Csutoras & Liando

The Cineroleum / Assemble

Cinema Center in Matadero de Legazpi / Churtichaga+Quadra-Salcedo Arquitectos

Lobby Renovation of La Salita del Cine Magaly / Cañas Arquitectos

Palacio de Cine de Locarno / AZPML + DFN Dario Franchini

BAITAcinema / BaO Architects

Summer Cinema / Wowhaus Architecture Bureau

Pop-In, Pop-Out, Pop-Up / Omri Revesz