If you’re reading this post then it's likely that you are either an architect, or you’re dating one. If you belong to the former group, we salute you and all your hard work. But if you belong to the latter, this list might serve as a reminder of how lucky you are to be with somebody with the unique talents and traits of the architect—and that's not to mention the obvious fact that you could end up living in a beautiful house with the most beautiful furniture.
1. Your Very Own Tour Guide
If you’re planning a vacation, there's no need to book a tourist guide because odds are, your boyfriend/girlfriend already knows every modern and historic landmark, how it was built, when it was built, why it was built, who it was built by, and its significance within the wider spectrum of human history. Though be warned: if you did book a tour guide, your partner might end up constantly correcting them, which might become a little embarrassing.
2. 50 Shades of Black
If you’re a couple who’s already living together, and it’s your turn to do the laundry, rest assured it will be an easy chore: every shirt, jacket, sweater and pair of pants they have is either black, black, or black (an occasional grey or white if it’s summer time).
3. They’ll Notice Every Detail
From a fresh trim to how the tiles on your bathroom floor don’t align correctly, architects have an eye for detail. Got a new pair of shoes? They’ll notice. Moved the couch 10 centimeters to the right? They’ll notice (probably because they had it aligned with the tiles). Changed a light bulb? They will definitely notice—you went from Daylight Fluorescent to Cool White Fluorescent without being aware of it.
4. The Best Baristas
Romeo and Juliet, Ray and Charles Eames, Zaha Hadid and Neo-Futurism; all of these power duos pale in comparison to architects and coffee. (Yes, we know, 0.05% of architects don’t drink coffee, but we’re talking about the 99.95% who drink nothing but coffee). Architects have mastered the art of pouring the perfect cup, developing their own customized coffee blends and coffee products, and have developed an uncanny ability to find the best roasted beans around.
5. Patience Level 1000
Have you ever seen an impatient architect? Odds are, no. After spending years and years of waiting for 3D renders to complete, maintaining composure standing beside a temperamental plotter, or even panicking after a last minute file crash, it is no surprise that most architects have mastered the art of patience.
6. Infinite Supply of Cool Pens
You'll have all the stationary you could ever imagine. Not just the basics; architects will always have the coolest pens, pencils, markers, crayons, paint, and charcoal. You name it, they’ll have it.
7. Natural Photographers
There's no need to worry about cropping and editing a picture if your significant other is an architect. Who knows better than an architect about perspectives, lighting, and getting a good scenery? (Other than an actual photographer, of course). And never fear, architects are familiar with plenty of editing programs, so if they weren’t the one taking the picture they can do an awesome job at fixing it.
Honorable Mention: Midnight Mommy/Daddy Duty
One of the most exhausting parts of being a parent is waking up every two to three hours at night to handle the baby. Luckily, the consistent all-nighters have not gone to waste! Architects transform into nocturnal creatures over the course of their education, bingeing on coffee (see #4), sugary sweets, and energy drinks. So there is nothing more reassuring than having a partner who’s not only familiar with the long nights, but can function admirably during them.
What’s life without architects, anyway?
Images for this article were kindly provided by Andrea Vasquez.